
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

ThoughtsOnMartianConnection pt2

time to once again empty thy cup...on a planet, Earth, whose humankind are predominantly of color the anomaly seems to reside with the Caucasian humankind...the only not of color...the only with a history of behavior that, how to put this, goes against the norm...the only whose behavior seems to be, how to put this, unEarthly...created NuclearEnergy with its NuclearWaste...cutting up the RainForest with its climatic and ecological impact...weird how Russians pioneered spaceflight...hmm...Russians...hmm...Caucasus Mountains[part of southern Russia, by the way]...hmm...Caucasians...Orson Wells creator of "War of the Worlds" has lineage seems an interesting observation that Caucasians are the frontrunners with the MartianCuriosity...always Martian this, Martian while it may not be as simple as Black and White...there appears to be something unEarthly...against the norm...about TheMartianConnection...nonsense?...maybe...coincedence?...see ThoughtsOnParallelOccurance ...oh, by the way, ever happen to notice the primary color of the RussianFlag [the same color shared by all involved in TheSpaceRace]...but...
to be continued....

ThoughtsOnEquality pt2

wellwell, the tip of the iceberg seems to be deepening...let's see how this is handled...

Sunday, May 18, 2008

ThoughtsOnAccountability pt2

i dunno is it just me or is there just an overload with the pharmaceuticals advertising about cures for the common whatever that have EXTRAordinary SideEffects...i mean do i take this little pill for running nose and have to deal with my throat enlarging...take this other pill for sleep but have to worry about suicidal thoughts...whatever happened to that Sominex commercial about safe and restful sleep...seems like when 'they' took the codeine out of Vicks cough drops...medicine just hasn't been the same...hell when 'they' took the 'Coca' outta CocaCola..things ain't never been the same...tho that touch of caffeine does make it a soft drink...Pep? opposed to alcohol making it a hard drink...but i digress for a minute...cause i'm a little concerned about that other pill i might take but might keep me erect for 4 mo' hrs above and beyond the call of duty...if you ask me...but what the f**k...and what about that pill that if my pregnant wife touches will cause ...yo, what the f**k is up with FDA???...or maybe... its just the advertisers?...yo,FCC what tha....
to be continued


when MichaelVick was charged with the federal charges connected with dog fighting his ethnicity was dragged across the coals, in fact the ethnicity of those not connected with his crime was dragged across the coals...his background was scrutinized and dragged across the coals, in fact the background of people of the same ethnicity not connected with his crime was raked across the coals...throughout the pro football season it was StricklyVickly, organizations and voices were raised in vile protest because of the federal charges brought against the AfricanAmerican, aka Black, male MichaelVick...running almost concurrently with the MichaelVick federal case sports story was the federal case sports story of CaucasionIrishAmerican, aka White, male TimDoneghy who was charged with betting on and possibly altering what now, admitted by him, is close to 100 professional basketball games...was his ethnicity raked across the coals?, in fact was the ethnicity of those not connected with his crime dragged across the coals?...did not the Commissioner of his sport go on television and say that theWhiteMale TimDoneghy's actions was possibly the "darkest moment" in NBA history?...was his [TimDoneghy] background raked across the coals...was the background of those not connected with this case dragged across the coals?...where were the organizations and voices raised in vile protest throughout this basketball season?...where were the picket signs and constant media mentioning of theWhiteMale TimDoneghy in proportion to theBlackMale MichaelVick...oh, i get was the cruelty to dogs that warranted, that justified the imbalance shown theBlackMale MichaelVick over theWhiteMale TimDoneghy...both mind you were found guilty of federal mind you had a direct impact within his mind you was a referee charged with upholding the integrity of his position and mind you commited his crime while on the job and in mind you is a mind you is a WhiteMale...oh, i get was the cruelty to animals let's see then if MichaelVick had been charged and found guilty of betting on and possibly altered the outcome of close to 100 NFL games and TimDoneghy had been charged and found guilty of being involved with dogfighting then an imbalance would be warranted, be mind you is a mind you is a WhiteMale...oh, i get it.....
to be continued

Friday, May 16, 2008


one thing that always sparked that curiosity thing in me has been the "GodExplanation" vs. the "EvolutionExplanation" about TheBeginning...both are Man's attempts to make shallow TheDeep...after all it must be a Man thing...don't think Bambi or Lassie or Jaws or Flora or the rest of Fauna really give a f**k about something beyond their comprehension--just wondering what the f**k is up with us and our lack of respect for the Earth we share with them...but that's a ThoughtForAnotherDay...and there's 1 thing above all else that i find curious with the 'GodExplanation' and that's the 1st 14 words or thereabouts of Genesis1:26...something about God and that Us/Our thing...God: proper noun singular(presumably) Us/Our: pronoun plural(definetly), hmmm...seems like an implying that God has a more-than-ONEness...more-than-ONEimage-ness...and here's my curiosity spark...let's say its more like, oh lets choose a number, more-like-a-12ness...12 distinct 'images' of God...hmmm what could be an explanation of 12 distinct images of God and Man...ever heard of...Astrology?...hmmm
to be continued


it amazes me the number of people who raise an eyebrow at the fact that Man is an Animal...part of the AnimalKingdom...the equating of Man with the word Animal seems to raise the hair on the back of some necks...what part of biology 101 was i sleeping on...somehow Man the Mammal has become holy-er than thou...radioactive waste-creating, Earth-polluting, over-populating, haven't got a f**kin-clue-having, egotistical Man the Mammal probably should have Its card revoked from the AnimalKingdom...Man the Mammal cousin to Monkey the Mammal though if you think about it the only other species that walks on 2 legs and has knowledge of flight are Birds but let's not go there...that's a ThoughtForAnotherDay...Lord of the FoodChain...more like Lord of the FoolChain...if you ask me...seems like Man the Mammal is running around unchecked, being held unaccountable for things huh, well while Man the Mammal seems to be having Its way, MotherNature is keeping things in check...seen the recent trends of 'NaturalDisasters' lately...things insurance companies love to call 'ActsOfGod' know...earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis...oh yeah...MotherNature has a way to spank that ass when Man the Mammal gets out of line...just a matter though of how long FatherTime is willing to let sh*t continue...maybe 12/12/2012 perhaps...hmmm
to be continued

Thursday, May 15, 2008


ever wonder why kids have a hard time reading AmericanEnglish?...after explaining the nuances
of english to my ten year old i was left with a 'what the f**k' attitude/realization...why is read also read as in red which is not spelled r-e-a-d...and while there's a city in Texas called Houston why is there a street in NewYorkCity spelled Houston but pronounced 'house-ton' the f**k is business pronounced bisness...and while the Wright Bros. didn't write they did get the plane right...oh yeah about plane and plain...ever sit by a window pain?...and exactly who's responsible for whose...something to be said, Ed, about the sinfulness of synonyms...or maybe there is something to Genesis11:7...Ebonics anyone?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


take away the music and today's rappers are in actuality while not a novel observation, keep in mind that music tends to bring with it an emotional content that tends to sway the listener one way or the other add to that the emotional content of the poetry that 'rappers' express with and a volatile concoction is brewed...without the music, rappers would probably be held as the most prophetic writers of poetic literature of today's society..."kick the ballistics G"...think 'TheLastPoets' of the NewAge

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


we might have it all wrong...instead of targeting gun manufactures, target the bullet manufactures...after all guns don't kill...bullets do...don't know the actual count but believe there's lesser deaths from pistolwhippings than shootings...keep the guns just outlaw the bullets, yeah that's the ticket...its like don't outlaw cigarettes just the makers of flame producing apparatus...hell can't smoke em if you can't light em up, huh...hmmm
to be continued...


coincedence: the explanation to explain the unexplainable..and there's nothing mere about it...
to be continued....


here you got people who have premeditated murder and mayhem for whatever reason and when they get caught we're supposed to go by a CodeOfConduct in dealin with them?...are you sh*ttin me?...yo, you live by the sword, you die by the want CodeOfConduct? try CodeOfHammurabi, mutherf***kah...


here's a man who shot a video with some people he thought was down with him and 1 of them seized the opportunity to make a quick buck..and now R.Kelly wants to say that that wasn't him pissin on homegirl?...yo, i've seen the video--yo i got the video...are you f***kn kiddin me B that is you...don't try to f***kin insult my intelligence... verdict: guilty as charged mutherf***... sentence: fess up, pull up a chair, grab a napkin and have a cup of what you've been pissin and press on BruceLee might have said in 'EnterTheDragon', "Mr.R.Kelly, Have some pee ? "

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Ever listen to the birds chirp early in the morning?...Ever listen to the dog barking next door...Ever listen to the cat meowing near you...Ever listen to the snake hissing in the woods... Ever listen to the wolf howling at night...not understand a f**kin word huh? Ever wonder how a parrot can say "polly wants a cracker"...Ever wonder how a dog could understand "roll over"(good boy) "sit"...Ever wonder who's the dumb animal?...old saying "..and the meek shall inherit the earth"...PlanetOfTheApes, indeed....


While the CigaretteIndustry is recognized for 'SecondHandSmoke'...let it be realized and understood that if you can smell it then it has already entered the body...let's expand this...while we're busy gettin busy... smoke is being smelled...puffin that weed....smoke is being smelled...smokin that crack...smoke is being smelled...gettin wet with that dust...smoke is being remember that if you can smell it...ding...the brain has gotten the buzz...however...and this is the thing...if that brain happens to be connected to your young one who's nearby...and nearby...isn't as far as you think it is or is it...they're getting just as weeded/cracked out/dusted as you are and while 'SecondHandSmoke' as been relegated to the CigaretteIndustry...'ContactHigh' is just as.....

Friday, May 2, 2008


yo ever wonder why UncleSam is no good at PeaceKeepingOperations...cause he went over to 1421 NorthKorea Street and had his ass handed to him there...he went 2435 NorthVietnam Boulevard and had his lip busted over there...hell, had so much trouble with 4276 Japanese Avenue after they ran up in his house at 1620 PearlHarbor Drive he had to drop a nuke on them..seems to have a little trouble in them Asian he's over in 432 Iraqi Road...yo UncleSam stay in your own neighborhood cause you got more than enough to handle at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue...old saying..."charity begins at home and then spreads abroad"...and last time i looked seems like someone creeped into 1 WorldTradeCenter...and got away with murder


when uncle ben goes to the grocery store to buy his rice he gets a receipt...when aunt jemima goes to the market to get her pancake mix she gets a receipt...whenever barbie goes to get waxed and bikini-lined she gets a receipt...whenever whoever goes to the CheckOut and gets whatever, HeShe gets a receipt....why? you can see where your money's being spent...well check this about this...every April 15th let us get a receipt from we can see where our money is being spent....i don't think so...yo Andy Rooney why is that?
to be continued...

Thursday, May 1, 2008


I was 17 years old standing in JFK airport on a cloudy, rainy day about to embark on my 1st airplane flight, to SanAntonio, TX for USAF basic training...upon taking off i had 2 enlightening experiences
1) seeing jackrabbits darting back and forth on the runway...surprised to see these long-earred creatures in such a noisy enviornment amazed me
2) upon reaching altitude there stood before me the bluest sky and brightest sun i had ever seen
amazed that it was no longer cloudy and raining
now while this may be a "no sh** Sherlock" observation it does lend to the fact that no matter how cloudy your day is, its a matter of how high you choose to pilot your airplane