
Wednesday, April 29, 2009


well let's see..


"no lobbying on my watch"

sets StimulusBill on track

main course:

OsamaBinLaden may or may not be dead

Pirates have reemergered and are ravaging the high seas

A dominant republican has jumped ship...ooops pardon the pun

North Korea is fireing rockets into the sky

There may be a PandemicFlu on ThePlanet

Won NCAA Bracket


Got my Stimulus check!!!!


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hmmm...SwineFlu...what would one expect if you allow an animal to live as it does...and you actually plan on handling by-products of that animal...what the f*ck do you expect to grow in such an environment...ummm...old saying about laying down with dogs and getting fleas...ummm...SwineFlu is about as asinine as LungCancer from tobacco...ummm...wouldn't one expect to get dirty playin in dirt? got a high flame goin there chief fryin them hamburgers in that IronSkillet don't go grabbin the f*kin handle with your barehands there Genius...ummm...SwineFlu exist because of the conditions that exist....ummm...LungCancer exist because of conditions that exist....ummm...there are certain things we j-u-s-t d-o n-o-t n-e-e-d...we may want...but d-o n-o-t n-e-e-d...ummm...there just somethin' about the word swine...u may want it...but do ya really need it...have u ever read the ingredients of Park's they even make that sh*t anymore?.."More Park's Sausages Mom, please?"...pleeze...well as the old saying goes: "if pigs had wings....".....hmmm...... it'd be a PandemicFlu..."and the meek shall inherit the earth"...hmmm....

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Thursday, April 23, 2009

ThoughtsOnKidsGlovesForTerrorists pt2

in light of the recent DOJ memo disclosures and the currently running episode of 24 dramatizes, there appears to be a ParallelOccurance and quite a coincidence it a time of UnconventionalWarfare and Laws pertaining to ConventionalWisedom/Warfare there appears a Catch22 chasm an Arena where Terrorism reigns supreme there lies within a NatureOfTheBeast, if you will, that crosses into territory known as "GreyArea" while not proclaiming to be an expert in such matters, as an observer of LifeOnTheThirdRock...there seems to be a Tao, a CodeOfConduct that is...Unconventional...Abnormal...and within this realm lies RulesOfEngagment that are...Unconventional...Abnormal...and as the old saying goes "when in Rome do as the Romans do"..with that said it is by TheNatureOfTheBeast that the Tao, the CodeOfConduct must be, has to be, by the very Nature of TheArena that is Terrorism...Unconventional...Abnormal...beyond the "bandwidth" of ArtImitatesLife with the current episodes of 24 one can see the "dramatization" of Convention trying to deal with the Unconventional and when JackBauer crosses the FineLine of TheGreyArea to produce TheTruth and PoliticalCorrectness shudders&shakes[the images of the blindfolded lady holding the scales of "justice" wreaking with havoc right about now!] one can almost see clearly the enigma wrapped in a...rising to the top and TheFineLineBetween becomes oh so more the chaotic...but as philosophers of the past like my man LaoTzu would is what it is..nothin more..nothin less and those who must tread these waters must be given their Tao and let "the deed be done"...for let us not FORGET that terrorist CHOOSE to do what they do...and the rules of engagement in this unconventional war is as SunTzu[and maybe JackBauer] would say: "It is only one who is thoroughly acquainted with the evils of war that can thoroughly understand the profitable way of carrying it on."...and maybe the DOJ memos address the UnconventionalFineLine of TheGreyArea that this UnconventionalWar has bestowed upon us...and as another old saying goes: "Necessity is the Mother of Invention" shall we see....hmmm..."the following takes place between ThePresent and TheFuture"[24]
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ThoughtsOnParallelOccurance pt2

there's an old saying about life imitating art or maybe the reverse...but anyways...there's my favorite TV show, 24, and its current theme, to me at least, is about means justifying the end...about Jack Bauer and his approach to achieving results and the politically correct way of achieving results...Jack uses the ByAnyMeansNecessary technique and it digs beneath the skin of TheSystem yet it achieves the results necessary...and here we have memos released by the DOJ this week that address the very issues presented in this fictional TV presentation: in essence about means justifying the end ...hmmm:

...eerily coincidental yet probably not even noted...yet look closely at this season's episodes of 24 and 1 can see a ParrallelOccurance with the very issue of: ByAnyMeansNecessary in dealing with those who cross the edge...hmmm...just 1 of those interesting observations of LifeHereOnTheThirdRock...

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Sunday, April 19, 2009

ThoughtsOnFirst100Days pt5

seems like on TheWatch of TheChosenOne there has come back an old tradition..PiratesOnTheHighSeas...who would have thought that with all the things 1 would have to endure it wouldn't be the ReturnOfTheJollyRoger...yet in TheNewAge OldWays have popped up yet again...i guess it was inevitable that navalwarfare would resume and what better place than off the coast of the continent deemed the the region of BlackHawkDown, pirates once again attempt to raid the seas...ironically when my favorite TV show 24 is dealing with the issue of SoldiersOfFortune there seems to be a lack of these...wasn't it a time when cargoships had Mercs riding shotgun to protect and serve the CorporateIntrests...hmmm maybe we'll have a reemergence, if you will, of the HiredGun to augment the security needed in this NewAge of piracy...boy when you thought there would be nothing new to add to TheWarMachine...enter TheNewLubricant...hmmm...wonder when we'll start seeing the new embedded journalist reporting from the NewFrontline....

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ran into a childhood friend yesterday...and it occurred 2 me that of all the life occurrences running into childhood friends are among TheFew&FarBetween...of the many things that have occurred in my 51 years of LifeOnTheThirdRock running into someone i went to the 1st years of education with...who lived in the same neighborhood with...who knew me when knowing self was becoming new...who went from child 2 child grown up 2 grownup child 2 growingup children 2 having children growingup children and 2 be able 2 come full circle 2 share another moment in time so distant in2 the future at the present when so many have long gone into truly a stop and smell the roses moment and give thanks 2 appreciate such a simple yet complex blessing...word