seemed to me that we pay a lot of $$$ for textbooks in a school, as part of tuition...and we take these textbooks home and read our lessons and do our homework from these textbooks and
we go to class and write notes upon notes based on these textbooks and we get graded on tests taken from the pages of these textbooks...so point is why pay for all the teachers who are just quoting things from these textbooks and go to class and sit and talk about what we just read in these textbooks that we paid a lot of $$$ for...when somebody with a LibraryCard can get the same textbook and teach his/herself the same thing that we've paid $$$$ for and....WTF is it just me or is it the University/CollegeSyndrome that says pay $$$$ for a textbook that's probably in the PublicLibrary[or will be] anyway and spend 4 years of your life paying $$$$ for somethin that u can get for a LibraryCard....hmmm...maybe reading is FunDaMental after all...or maybe its TheMatrix we've weaved that tangle web of info gathering...gotta get that SheepSkin...or maybe that's why we whisper in TheLibrary..TheNewMaTrix..hmmm...oh by the way here in NYC they have the nerve to Xerox pages from textbooks to handout to the children of the future instead of handing out the textbooks...WTF is up wit dat??...cherish TheLibraryCard...the key to the NewMaTrix...cause the best things in life are "free?"...just don't get flagged seeking that particular 411[sumthin about that scene with MorganFreeman in the movie "seven"]...hmmm
2 b continued....