Thursday, December 30, 2010
had a talk with my daughter the other day and this crossed my mind...when one reaches the voting age and can interact with the powers that be then one has CrossedTheLine....when one graduates from that Gymnasium called SCHOOL and have successfully completed the Reading..can learn EVERYTHING when you've learned to read...Writing...can communicate EVERYTHING when you've learned to write...and Arithmatic can manipulate EVERYTHING when you've learned numbers and numerals..after all THAT'S what a computer does, essesentially, calculate and maniplate numbers...digits in this DIGITAL age, the ol' 1's and 0's...then one has CrossedTheLine...obtain a job where one can survive on one's own, having of course completed the 12 years of MentalTraining in school, then one has CrossTheLine...and lastly have a place to lay your head after The24 have consumed you...that being your own abode be it house, home, apartment, condo or co-op...your own, as Superman would say...FortressOfSolitude, then one has CrossedTheLine...these things should be neatly packed upon your back as you take that step to CrossTheLine...from Child to Adult...anything less,in my opinion, would be as Superman would say, Kryptonite....
2 b continued
Sunday, December 26, 2010
well...of all the other fact or fiction accounts about's an interesting one or two facts...2012 will be a leap year, an unusual fact alone...and it will have not one...not two...but 3 Friday the 13ths...well hang your hat on that one for now....
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
(NOTE: before you view above video pause music player at the bottom of blog)
physics...never is a law of father was a equipment manager for the Long Island Bulls, a farm club team[back then] of the New York Giants NFL team...he gave me my 1 and only full cage facemask...i lent it to a friend who played little league football...when he returned it it was cracked...broken...we're talking little league the entertainment field of professional sports we forget, sometimes that we're being entertained and get caught in the flow of the action...but that action is ruled by the laws of physics...talking inertia and all that...talking impact and all a car we're told about inertia...about how a car traveling at 90 mph has also its passengers traveling at 90 mph...when that car suddenly stops because of impact to 0 mph, the passengers still are travelling at 90 mph until they too hit 0 mph...that's why seat belts were introduced as well as now, air bags...laws of physics are why martial artists can break wooden boards and concrete blocks and bricks with their bare feets and professional sports, football in particular, size has changed...players are bigger, stronger, faster...inertia is greater...impact is greater...its also about technique...that approach to skill factor in applying a tackle...certain techniques have been outlawed by the NFL: TheClotheslineTackle(remember FredWilliamson aka TheHammer?)---TheHorseCollar(remember the images of RayNitschke, DickButkus, MikeCurtis(TheStork), JackLambert ? ) favorite LB WillieLanier used to lead with his head ALL the time and developed headaches to the point of having special padding placed on the OUTSIDE of his helmet hence "spearing" became an outlawed technique---TheCrackBack---remember GaleSayers[ouch]?...and there are the images of improper Technique vs. TheAccidents...remember JackTatum vs Daryl Stingley...REMEMBER GaleSayers vs. the 49ers[the BadTechniques]..remember LawrenceTaylor vs. JoeThiesman [TheAccidents](i vividly remember LT's reaction immediately AFTER mangling JoeThiesman's leg)...but the law of physics remains the equipment has evolved from leather helmets and little to no padding to high impact, high tech plastic helmets and shoulder pads all of which adds to the total weight of the player...adding to inertia and impact...i remember when a football player for the Detroit Lions died on the football field [do to a pre existing physical condition]...i remember when a baseball player was hit by a pitch in the head leading to helmets being worn...i remember when a boxer died in the ring from the results of physics...remember Dale Earnhardt dying from the physics of auto racing...remember a well known boxer dying while crossing a race track during a race due to physics...remember when pro hockey didn't have helmets and facemasks but due to respect of physics now do...boxing has long respected physics and concussions and placed time outs between matches so the brain could recuperate and now pro football is implementing rules regarding concussions...bringing me to the point of all of football has had voices of reasoning step in and say that it will now address, in a roundabout way, the law of physics in dealing with the recent injuries in regard to inertia and impact and there are those who seem to have a problem accepting the the rationale of this decision...evidently they seem to have a problem remembering...the laws of physics...................
[NOTE: seems this video doesn't quite fit within the borders of this blog so here's the link there are also some other videos in the right sidebar of this link as well]
2 b continued
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
after viewing this link and then this link it appears to me that there is a Cycle being created whereby a known cause is producing an effect that is perpetuating insidiously...medical community administers something that causes[allegedly] something else, hence the further need for further treatment, hence the need for pharmaceuticals to create additional medicines to administer, hence the need for HMOs and their spinoffs to cover the cost to receive additional services, hence creating the need for medical community to service this need, hence creating more need to pay for this need, hence creating more bills needing to be paid, hence creating legal problems, hence creating the need for legal representation, hence creating the need for more lawyers, hence creating more creations to be created...quite the New Book of Genesis being written here...just wonder when the New Book of Exodus will be published...2012 perhaps...hmmm
Sunday, September 26, 2010
something about when preachers of God went from wearing monks robes and black suits with white clloars to wearing black $uit$ with white collar$...something about from walking in sandels to the ministery to driving to the mini$tery...something about from collecting tithe to getting free..something about printing on money "In God We Trust", while investing in that 'TrustFund"...yeah, just something about carrying that Bible in the left hand when raising the right hand...something about giving witness on the the stand of the holy pulpit to being on the witness stand in the court seperated(supposedly) by/from [i forget hypocritical of me] church and state [is that before or after you place your hand on the Bible to swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but? again i forget, oh the hypocricy]...something about walking into the house of God when the outside of that house is decorated with demonic gargoyles...there's just something about this video:
In a time in our development as a species, when looking back on our timeline, we have come far. from discovering fire to microwaving our food...from having apples fall on a head to seeing deeper into our universe with the Hubble telescope...and oops having to fix its lens once it flew miles from home...hell, from thinking the world was flat to flattening each other from miles away with pinpoint accuracy...from seeing a rock roll down a mountainside to landing on the moon...from this to that...yet in our infinite wisedumb we still use dinosaur remains to fuel our progression along the galactic timeline...we still are quite primitive, by design mind you, in our futuristic state of in point?...let's see...still drilling under the sea for oil and encountering consequences like the Gulf of Mexico disaster...while the sun does still shine ever so brightly and the wind does blow ever so swiftly, waiting for hmm i wonder what?.. yet we crawl ever so slowly towards using these sources to fuel our progression along the Timeline...while men of mental capacity like Nikolai Tesla have thought already of how to energize that bunny but maybe, i guess , those thoughts would de-energized that spending and hence the collecting of money...and now we are marveled at how men are living for months miraculously underneath the surface of the earth in a coal mine while the mind of man moves swiftly, ever so, to rescue them by oh....November...yes this selective mind usage of the most high supreme illuminated being is something to marvel at...even more amazing though is the rapidly changing size of the dunce cap that has to fit on that head!!!!!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
With all the conspiracies said and done, about all they say and reveal, could 9/11 have just been, like Pearl Harbor, simply a failure of basic Humint[HumanIntelligence]. In Pearl Harbor the attack flights were seen on radar. In 9/11, the attackers were seen "on radar" in that, the pieces of the puzzle were known, just that the puzzle itself was not put together in time. In Pearl Harbor the pieces of the puzzle were there, just that failure to communicate was in place, as with 9/11. With that said, what pieces of the NextPuzzle are now known and what situations will be in place that will fail to put ThePuzzle together in time? Will there still be in place that, failure to communicate? At what cost will this one be? Let the conspiracy theories begin.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
had a talk recently with a total stranger who overheard a conversation i was having about 2012 and her input was levels above. in essence she revealed that her professor had recently made a overseas trip and spoke with some elders who had insight on Mayan civilization. it appears that will no cataclysmic doomsday is in store, what is in store is a shift in consciousness in that those now dealing in the NegativeRealm on higher levels will be overcome by various maladies and fall, those now living on the lower level and in the PositiveRealm will rise to the higher level. a sort of changing of TheGuard if you will. Yin will give way to Yang, a shifting of ThePoles. December 2012 the month of TheNewDawn. We shall see.
after being summoned to view the following i was motivated to write the following:
fed up w/TheIlluminati and other "powers that be"?, then implore the tools of LessonsLearned in these UnitedStates...meaning?...LessonOne: when the colonists got fed up w/"the powers that be" they had...the BostonTeaParty...meaning?...the AchillesHeel of TheMachine[aka ThePowersThatBe] is economics, tea, at the time was a MoneyMaker...the Boston Tea Party upset the income formula of TheMachine and deeper still formed a mindset that gave birth to TheRevolution that led to the INDEPENDENCE from TheMachine aka GreatBritain, the "power that be"...LessonTwo: TheRosaParksEffect..meaning? the time the new "TeaParty" upset the economics of the transit system, there was no income from the unexpected numbers that rode the buses and it was felt, hence change was made when otherwise wouldn't(at least not as rapidly) and led to a mindset that eventually led to an INDEPEDENCE of sorts from "the powers that be" WANT symbols?, well there's TWO to start in The new Machine: TheIndustry, the same AchillesHeel exists: economics and the TeaParty/RosaParksEffect would still be EconomicRevolution...Boycott TheIndustry...stop buying All music/videos/concerts/movies/product for let's say..30Days(remember the RosaParksEffect was for a duration of, i believe, ONE WEEK!!...theBostonTeaParty was , i believe, a ONE NIGHT thing)...i'm talking 30 DAYS of no income to TheIndustry...check the statistics and see how much income is generated by TheIndustry in 30 days, reverse that and that's how much would be lost...message sent...coincide that with influxs of Emails to TheIndustry to show the displeasure of "business as usual" and as PublicEnemy once said, "YOU'VE GOT TO FIGHT THE POWERS THAT BE" will Radio(and let me NOT start about how Radio only plays TheIndustry...virtually no independents get "airtime"[and the airwaves are( at least were) PUBLIC DOMAIN] you realize how many artists are NOT played as opposed to the same ole same ole that are?...please) still play music..YES..will Cable Stations still Play videos...YES...BUT...the numbers of both of these MediaPawns is infinitely outnumbered by TheConsumer, the Food of TheIndustry...and ultimately...TheRealPowerSource...old saying: "When Money Talks, Bullsh*t Walks", and I think it's time for TheBullsh*t to get to steppin...complacency is ThePowers That Be biggest ally...not knowing what to do and doing nothing are two different things...doing something will eventually lead to knowing what to do... remember: NONACTION = DEATH!!...what might have happened had there been NO BostonTeaParty, NO RosaParks...I think it's time for "History to Repeat Itself"... NONACTION = DEATH..."YOU'VE GOT TO FIGHT THE POWERS THAT BE"...nuff said.
fed up w/TheIlluminati and other "powers that be"?, then implore the tools of LessonsLearned in these UnitedStates...meaning?...LessonOne: when the colonists got fed up w/"the powers that be" they had...the BostonTeaParty...meaning?...the AchillesHeel of TheMachine[aka ThePowersThatBe] is economics, tea, at the time was a MoneyMaker...the Boston Tea Party upset the income formula of TheMachine and deeper still formed a mindset that gave birth to TheRevolution that led to the INDEPENDENCE from TheMachine aka GreatBritain, the "power that be"...LessonTwo: TheRosaParksEffect..meaning? the time the new "TeaParty" upset the economics of the transit system, there was no income from the unexpected numbers that rode the buses and it was felt, hence change was made when otherwise wouldn't(at least not as rapidly) and led to a mindset that eventually led to an INDEPEDENCE of sorts from "the powers that be" WANT symbols?, well there's TWO to start in The new Machine: TheIndustry, the same AchillesHeel exists: economics and the TeaParty/RosaParksEffect would still be EconomicRevolution...Boycott TheIndustry...stop buying All music/videos/concerts/movies/product for let's say..30Days(remember the RosaParksEffect was for a duration of, i believe, ONE WEEK!!...theBostonTeaParty was , i believe, a ONE NIGHT thing)...i'm talking 30 DAYS of no income to TheIndustry...check the statistics and see how much income is generated by TheIndustry in 30 days, reverse that and that's how much would be lost...message sent...coincide that with influxs of Emails to TheIndustry to show the displeasure of "business as usual" and as PublicEnemy once said, "YOU'VE GOT TO FIGHT THE POWERS THAT BE" will Radio(and let me NOT start about how Radio only plays TheIndustry...virtually no independents get "airtime"[and the airwaves are( at least were) PUBLIC DOMAIN] you realize how many artists are NOT played as opposed to the same ole same ole that are?...please) still play music..YES..will Cable Stations still Play videos...YES...BUT...the numbers of both of these MediaPawns is infinitely outnumbered by TheConsumer, the Food of TheIndustry...and ultimately...TheRealPowerSource...old saying: "When Money Talks, Bullsh*t Walks", and I think it's time for TheBullsh*t to get to steppin...complacency is ThePowers That Be biggest ally...not knowing what to do and doing nothing are two different things...doing something will eventually lead to knowing what to do... remember: NONACTION = DEATH!!...what might have happened had there been NO BostonTeaParty, NO RosaParks...I think it's time for "History to Repeat Itself"... NONACTION = DEATH..."YOU'VE GOT TO FIGHT THE POWERS THAT BE"...nuff said.
Monday, May 17, 2010
ThoughtsOnTheDeadZones pt2
well looks like we can add another to the ZoneCollection and what a prize it will be: The Gulf of Mexico...and with the current that flows from and thru there it may just be itself the creator of additional DeadZones...the following say the least:
Sunday, April 25, 2010
well what have we here?...the stifling of a Planet's movement [by air, anyway] because of not 3...not 2...but 1!!! volcano's activity...Nature has a way of putting ManTheMammal in our proper perspective...all the technology in our arsenal rendered moot because volcanic ash was roaming the atmosphere!...hmmm...just had to wait it out...and this was just on 1 part of TheGlobe...the fastest and arguably the safest means of transportation largely halted not for hours but days by a volcano...a means of transportation that more than air travellers rely on[but then again there's always "the slow boat to china"]...and while it's never happened in recorded history, how vulnerable would we be to have simultaneous eruptions of the same or greater magnitude as the Iceland volcano anywhere on ThePlanet...maybe a Mt Vesuvius with Krakatoa...or maybe for modern day: Mt st.Helens and Yellowstone[which is predicted, just not when]...Earth is littered with volcanoes and underwater fissures...and just a matter of time before it really "blows off steam".........
2 b continued
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
There's a tightrope upon which we walk...In nature that tightrope is so tightly taunt and right about now there happens to be a fineline drawn upon which Weather is having a hard time navagating along...In my days of HighSchool there was one subject I paid attention to...It was called EarthScience...somethin about that cycle of Evaporation and sh*t..seems to me that what goes up MUST come down...somethin about the water and all its principles..somethin about how all the water Evaporates,Condenses, then falls back
as RAIN....hmmm...Ice and Icebergs are what...Frozen water..and in EarthScience about how the Sun does its thing terms.of.water...Now..on a Planet made up of MOSTLYwater this is a NORMAL thing...BUT...hmmm...let us this equation and say we...WE..US..happen to add..MORE water to this already delicate balance act of Evaporating&Condensing by way of.....ohh say the OzoneLayer so the Sun
could melt more Ice&Icebergs thus raising the WATER level so MORE water has to be Evaporated&Condensed thus causing more
RAIN to fall thus causing More WATER to be on the PlanetSurface in form of LIQUID(as opposed to.ICE)Rivers have to hold MORE water thus flooding RiverBanks thus causing more FLOODING..thus SeaLevels will rise causing more...
.....AndOhYesInOur..InfiniteTechnologicalAdvancements..we Combat This Flooding with..SANDBAGS...
whatAreYouFu*kinKiddinMe?..sandbags!?!...hmmm...quite the tightrope we are walking here............
whatAreYouFu*kinKiddinMe?..sandbags!?!...hmmm...quite the tightrope we are walking here............
Sunday, March 14, 2010
this outlet for just outlet for CreativeWriting...its on subjects that inspire me to FingerPeck at the computer and xpress my Xpressions on...its seeing things from my perspective[like all other blogs]...not trying to offend just xpress...not trying to enlighten just xpress...i'll leave all the offending/enlightening to those publications that feel the need, its just observations...albeit subjective...but it's like i was told in BasicTraining [USAF] opinions are like assholes EVERYBODY'S got me it's all about the ThoughtProvoking, things that make me go,hmmm[as ArsenioHall once said]...nothing more, nothing less...just ThoughtsFromTheSimpleMind...afterall TheComplex started from TheSimple did it not?....hmmm
Friday, March 12, 2010
this has always bugged me...why do the trains need to be blazin into the station anyway?...are they tryin to stop on a dime or some sh*t...what's the fu*kin rush?'re've made it to the destination...i don't need to feel the rush of God-Know's-what-the-fu*k-you're-blowin-into-the-station-breeze that preceeds the noise of your brakes as you're screeching to stop into the station...the whole inertia/momentum thing IS TheDisasterWaitingToHappen...the remedy here is slow the trains BEFORE they enter the station NOT AS they are ENTERING the hell with TimeScheduling...(SLOW DOWN)BRAKE-BEFORE-ENTERING(SLOW DOWN) this will alleviate any incidence of track deaths because the motorman will have ample time to stop inertia from overtaking...simple physics...THERE IS NO NEED FOR TRAINS TO BE SPEEDING INTO (ENTERING)SUBWAY STATIONS!!!...MTA MUST REVAMP STATION ENTRY SPEED LIMITS...there are too many people standing in/near platforms when trains arrive[especially during RUSH HOURS]..sounding the horn EVERYTIME a train enters is "noise pollution"[decibels are already high when train enters..i'm a sound engineer,did a test me]...just Slowthef*ckDown!!!!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
ThoughtsOnTheUnforseen pt3
A Real Whopper: Black Hole Is Most Massive Known
Senior Writer
– Mon Jun 8, 3:15 pm ET
PASADENA, CALIF. — The most massive black hole yet weighed lurks at the heart of the relatively nearby giant galaxy M87. .......the revised mass could impact astronomers' theories of how galaxies grow and form. The new measure suggests that other black holes in nearby large galaxies could also be much heftier than current measurements suggest, and it could help astronomers solve a longstanding puzzle about galaxy development. Now astronomers think that most large galaxies, including our own Milky Way, have supermassive black holes at their centers.
and now for the punchline:
We did not expect it at all," said team member Karl Gebhardt of the University of Texas at Austin.
which leads to the question:
2 b continued
ThoughtsOnCuriosity Pt3.
ok so here we go again:
...umm there are things IN TheUniverse that belong IN TheUniverse and not HERE ON BlackHoles and DarkMatter...we have a issue with what some believe is TheBermudaTriangle so what now are we supposed to do when something OUT there lo and behold winds up IN here...DarkMatter and BlackHoles are of GalacticProportions not to be parked in a laboratory and gazed at...this is not something placed under an ElectronMicroscope to be amazed at, this is something some say God created to be where the fu*k God wanted it, not sitting in Geneva, Swizterland home of people who don't fight CalamicWars but who at the flick of a switch might...might just create the most CatalysmicSh*t known yet..and wouldn't that be ironic to have the last days and time end up starting in the HomeofTheHole-lyCheese...well they do make a fine SwissARMY...Knife...there's an old saying about "HowCuriosityKilledTheCat", well "Holy WTF, Batman" hope you've got something in that UtilityBelt if this sh*t backfires...hmmm wonder how many cavemen got torched when they "discovered" fire...well i guess its like the old TV ad used to say,"A Mind is a terrible thing to waste"...hmmm
2 b continued
so we thought it was all about what might be happening above...seems like, as always, its what's under your nose that smells the worst...meaning?:..Hypoxia...on the GlobalScale that is:
oh yeah now there's 400 DeadZones spread out ThePlanet due to lack of Oxygen not in TheAir but in is ceasing to exist on unheard of not only are we squandering our atmosphere, now it seems the very fiber-liquid is more like it-that by the way encompasses the MAJORITY of ThePlanet'sSurface is being affected, accellerated actually by...who else but ManTheMammal...not satisfied with sucking out TheOzone from TheAir, now we must suck out TheOxygen from TheWater...quite TheAlchemist we've become...can't wait to see where THIS will lead to...
see also:
[CLICK ON "did you mean DeadZone3.kml">VIMSDeadZone data>open..this should take you to GOOGLEearth and a map of the 400DeadZones(they're marked with flags)...take the tour]
2 b continued....
oh yeah now there's 400 DeadZones spread out ThePlanet due to lack of Oxygen not in TheAir but in is ceasing to exist on unheard of not only are we squandering our atmosphere, now it seems the very fiber-liquid is more like it-that by the way encompasses the MAJORITY of ThePlanet'sSurface is being affected, accellerated actually by...who else but ManTheMammal...not satisfied with sucking out TheOzone from TheAir, now we must suck out TheOxygen from TheWater...quite TheAlchemist we've become...can't wait to see where THIS will lead to...
see also:
[CLICK ON "did you mean DeadZone3.kml">VIMSDeadZone data>open..this should take you to GOOGLEearth and a map of the 400DeadZones(they're marked with flags)...take the tour]
2 b continued....
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
so let me see here, there was a time in these UnitedStatesOfAmerica when there was talk of FinancialCollapse of epic proportions and that financial institutions were about to unravel the very thread by which this country was sewn. that the People of this Republic had to bailout the corporate structure for the sake of ThePeople for which this Government stands indivisible. that it was for the good of the people that this financial upheaval could not come to bear itself front and center. that it was for TheCommonGood that rescue must be sent. it was TheIllusion that it was all about TheJobs, TheWellBeing, TheIdeal that TheEconomy must not falter...for the good of ThePeople and for the good of global stability....hmmm
so let me see here then....
"Governmental agencies only partially control the economic instrument of national power...The responsibility of the USG [United States Government] lies with facilitating the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services worldwide that promote U.S. fundamental objectives, such as promoting general welfare and supporting security interests and objectives. A strong U.S. economy with free access to global markets and resources is a fundamental engine of the general welfare, the guarantor of a strong national defense, and an influence for economic expansion by U.S. trade partners worldwide. The financial instrument of national power promotes the conditions for prosperity and stability in the United States and encourages prosperity and stability in the rest of the world.
The Department of the Treasury (Treasury) is the primary federal agency responsible for the economic and financial prosperity and security of the United States and as such is responsible for a wide range of activities, including enhancing corporate governance in financial institutions. In the international arena, the Treasury works with other federal agencies, the governments of other nations, and the international financial institutions to encourage economic growth; raise standards of living; and predict and prevent, to the extent possible, economic and financial crises."
and all of this ain't worth a hat in a hand basket if the finances ain't in order to begin with. if the source of all the power is in collapse. so you tell me, Sherlock, what exactly was the motivation for TheBailout if not to pursue the goals of what in essence is...a military strategy. and the PrimeRecipient of TheBailout wasn’t ThePeople but was instead TheCorporateGovernance.
"Like language, money is a social organization and civilizing force that provides a means and incentive for human beings to relate to one another economically by exchanging goods and services for mutual benefit. The capacity to convert perishable commodities and nonstorable human labor into money provides a powerful incentive for people to produce more than they need for present personal consumption and to convert the surplus value into money so that it can be stored to meet future needs. The agent controlling the creation, flow, and access to “stores of value” wields power.
If properly authorized and coordinated, ARSOF [Army Special Operations Forces] can use—or coordinate for other agencies to use—measured and focused financial incentives or disincentives to persuade adversaries, allies, and surrogates to modify their behavior at the theater strategic, operational, and tactical levels. Such application of financial power must be part of a circumspect, integrated, and consistent UW [Unconventional Warfare] plan. Like all other instruments of U.S. national power, the use and effects of financial weapons are interrelated and they must be coordinated carefully." (quoted/edited material from U.S.Army FM 3-05.130 Army Special Operations Forces Unconventional Warfare pgs2-6 to 2-8) for your edification
and so if the image of the implementer of this strategy of financial weaponry is itself tarnished by ineffectively managing its own finances thus creating an weakened more diminished self rendering then that in turn makes any such strategy equally affected.
can’t have TheThreeLittlePigs running around singing “ who’s afraid of TheBigBadWolf?” now can we.
to ThePlayersOfTheDeception...TheIllusionati...
2 b continued.......
so let me see here then....
"Governmental agencies only partially control the economic instrument of national power...The responsibility of the USG [United States Government] lies with facilitating the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services worldwide that promote U.S. fundamental objectives, such as promoting general welfare and supporting security interests and objectives. A strong U.S. economy with free access to global markets and resources is a fundamental engine of the general welfare, the guarantor of a strong national defense, and an influence for economic expansion by U.S. trade partners worldwide. The financial instrument of national power promotes the conditions for prosperity and stability in the United States and encourages prosperity and stability in the rest of the world.
The Department of the Treasury (Treasury) is the primary federal agency responsible for the economic and financial prosperity and security of the United States and as such is responsible for a wide range of activities, including enhancing corporate governance in financial institutions. In the international arena, the Treasury works with other federal agencies, the governments of other nations, and the international financial institutions to encourage economic growth; raise standards of living; and predict and prevent, to the extent possible, economic and financial crises."
and all of this ain't worth a hat in a hand basket if the finances ain't in order to begin with. if the source of all the power is in collapse. so you tell me, Sherlock, what exactly was the motivation for TheBailout if not to pursue the goals of what in essence is...a military strategy. and the PrimeRecipient of TheBailout wasn’t ThePeople but was instead TheCorporateGovernance.
"Like language, money is a social organization and civilizing force that provides a means and incentive for human beings to relate to one another economically by exchanging goods and services for mutual benefit. The capacity to convert perishable commodities and nonstorable human labor into money provides a powerful incentive for people to produce more than they need for present personal consumption and to convert the surplus value into money so that it can be stored to meet future needs. The agent controlling the creation, flow, and access to “stores of value” wields power.
If properly authorized and coordinated, ARSOF [Army Special Operations Forces] can use—or coordinate for other agencies to use—measured and focused financial incentives or disincentives to persuade adversaries, allies, and surrogates to modify their behavior at the theater strategic, operational, and tactical levels. Such application of financial power must be part of a circumspect, integrated, and consistent UW [Unconventional Warfare] plan. Like all other instruments of U.S. national power, the use and effects of financial weapons are interrelated and they must be coordinated carefully." (quoted/edited material from U.S.Army FM 3-05.130 Army Special Operations Forces Unconventional Warfare pgs2-6 to 2-8) for your edification
and so if the image of the implementer of this strategy of financial weaponry is itself tarnished by ineffectively managing its own finances thus creating an weakened more diminished self rendering then that in turn makes any such strategy equally affected.
can’t have TheThreeLittlePigs running around singing “ who’s afraid of TheBigBadWolf?” now can we.
to ThePlayersOfTheDeception...TheIllusionati...
2 b continued.......
Thursday, January 28, 2010

when asking a close friend how the StateOfTheUnion was received the following was the response:
"as usual, the Democrats do not get it when it comes to economics. Regulating banking, investing and corporate America will not solve our economic problems. In fact, it will only serve to make matters worse. I offer the recent decline in the market as a case in point. The success of our economy relies heavily upon corruption and greed. Obama is an optimist. he just does not get it."
this got me to thinking and the following is my response:
1) seemed to me that the "economy" relied heavily on crediting..the "WhimpyTheory"[i like to call it]. you remember Whimpy from Popeye cartoons: "i'll gladly pay you tomorrow for a hamburger today"...this[mentality] in turn became glamorized by the banking system & the Madison Ave. adboys, hell it became so popular (addicting may be a better term) that UncleSam itself was crediting to the tune of the NationalDebt to the point where China could own the USA if it were to call in the debt owed [to it alone]
2) and oh, he does get's those who believe that the success of the economy relies upon corruption and greed whereas he knows that the failure of our economy relies upon corruption and greed...evidence: the recent decline in the market was directly tied to the corruption and greed practiced for 8yrs by the Barack so nicely put it "...before i walked thru the door."...i'll take optimism over pacifism[and pessimism] 24/7 and as he also said, " enough with business as usual " i see it he's seeking a solution to the problem of business as usual and they say if you're not part of the solution then....................................
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