when asking a close friend how the StateOfTheUnion was received the following was the response:
"as usual, the Democrats do not get it when it comes to economics. Regulating banking, investing and corporate America will not solve our economic problems. In fact, it will only serve to make matters worse. I offer the recent decline in the market as a case in point. The success of our economy relies heavily upon corruption and greed. Obama is an optimist. he just does not get it."
this got me to thinking and the following is my response:
1) seemed to me that the "economy" relied heavily on crediting..the "WhimpyTheory"[i like to call it]. you remember Whimpy from Popeye cartoons: "i'll gladly pay you tomorrow for a hamburger today"...this[mentality] in turn became glamorized by the banking system & the Madison Ave. adboys, hell it became so popular (addicting may be a better term) that UncleSam itself was crediting to the tune of the NationalDebt to the point where China could own the USA if it were to call in the debt owed [to it alone]
2) and oh, he does get it...it's those who believe that the success of the economy relies upon corruption and greed whereas he knows that the failure of our economy relies upon corruption and greed...evidence: the recent decline in the market was directly tied to the corruption and greed practiced for 8yrs by the BushAdministration...as Barack so nicely put it "...before i walked thru the door."...i'll take optimism over pacifism[and pessimism] 24/7 and as he also said, " enough with business as usual "...as i see it he's seeking a solution to the problem of business as usual and they say if you're not part of the solution then....................................