
Wednesday, March 31, 2010


There's a tightrope upon  which we walk...In nature that tightrope is so tightly taunt and right about now there happens to be a fineline drawn upon which Weather is having a hard time navagating along...In my days of HighSchool there was one subject I paid attention to...It was called EarthScience...somethin about that cycle of Evaporation and sh*t..seems to me that what goes up MUST come down...somethin about  the water and all its principles..somethin about how all the water Evaporates,Condenses, then falls back
as RAIN....hmmm...Ice and Icebergs are what...Frozen water..and in EarthScience about how the Sun does its thing terms.of.water...Now..on a Planet made up of MOSTLYwater this is a NORMAL thing...BUT...hmmm...let us this equation and say we...WE..US..happen to add..MORE water to this already delicate balance act of Evaporating&Condensing by way of.....ohh say the OzoneLayer so the Sun
could melt more Ice&Icebergs thus raising the WATER level so MORE water has to be Evaporated&Condensed thus causing more 
RAIN to fall thus causing More WATER to be on the PlanetSurface in form of LIQUID(as opposed to.ICE)Rivers have to hold MORE water thus flooding RiverBanks thus causing more FLOODING..thus SeaLevels will rise causing more...
.....AndOhYesInOur..InfiniteTechnologicalAdvancements..we Combat This Flooding with..SANDBAGS...
whatAreYouFu*kinKiddinMe?..sandbags!?!...hmmm...quite the tightrope we are walking here............


Sunday, March 14, 2010


this outlet for just outlet for CreativeWriting...its on subjects that inspire me to FingerPeck at the computer and xpress my Xpressions on...its seeing things from my perspective[like all other blogs]...not trying to offend just xpress...not trying to enlighten just xpress...i'll leave all the offending/enlightening to those publications that feel the need, its just observations...albeit subjective...but it's like i was told in BasicTraining [USAF] opinions are like assholes EVERYBODY'S got me it's all about the ThoughtProvoking, things that make me go,hmmm[as ArsenioHall once said]...nothing more, nothing less...just ThoughtsFromTheSimpleMind...afterall TheComplex started from TheSimple did it not?....hmmm

Friday, March 12, 2010


this has always bugged me...why do the trains need to be blazin into the station anyway?...are they tryin to stop on a dime or some sh*t...what's the fu*kin rush?'re've made it to the destination...i don't need to feel the rush of God-Know's-what-the-fu*k-you're-blowin-into-the-station-breeze that preceeds the noise of your brakes as you're screeching to stop into the station...the whole inertia/momentum thing IS TheDisasterWaitingToHappen...the remedy here is slow the trains BEFORE they enter the station NOT AS they are ENTERING the hell with TimeScheduling...(SLOW DOWN)BRAKE-BEFORE-ENTERING(SLOW DOWN) this will alleviate any incidence of track deaths because the motorman will have ample time to stop inertia from overtaking...simple physics...THERE IS NO NEED FOR TRAINS TO BE SPEEDING INTO (ENTERING)SUBWAY STATIONS!!!...MTA MUST REVAMP STATION ENTRY SPEED LIMITS...there are too many people standing in/near platforms when trains arrive[especially during RUSH HOURS]..sounding the horn EVERYTIME a train enters is "noise pollution"[decibels are already high when train enters..i'm a sound engineer,did a test me]...just Slowthef*ckDown!!!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

ThoughtsOnTheUnforseen pt3

the following is edited and condensed from:

A Real Whopper: Black Hole Is Most Massive Known

Senior Writer

– Mon Jun 8, 3:15 pm ET

PASADENA, CALIF. — The most massive black hole yet weighed lurks at the heart of the relatively nearby giant galaxy M87. .......the revised mass could impact astronomers' theories of how galaxies grow and form. The new measure suggests that other black holes in nearby large galaxies could also be much heftier than current measurements suggest, and it could help astronomers solve a longstanding puzzle about galaxy development. Now astronomers think that most large galaxies, including our own Milky Way, have supermassive black holes at their centers.

and now for the punchline:

We did not expect it at all," said team member Karl Gebhardt of the University of Texas at Austin.

which leads to the question:


2 b continued

ThoughtsOnCuriosity Pt3.

ok so here we go again:

...umm there are things IN TheUniverse that belong IN TheUniverse and not HERE ON BlackHoles and DarkMatter...we have a issue with what some believe is TheBermudaTriangle so what now are we supposed to do when something OUT there lo and behold winds up IN here...DarkMatter and BlackHoles are of GalacticProportions not to be parked in a laboratory and gazed at...this is not something placed under an ElectronMicroscope to be amazed at, this is something some say God created to be where the fu*k God wanted it, not sitting in Geneva, Swizterland home of people who don't fight CalamicWars but who at the flick of a switch might...might just create the most CatalysmicSh*t known yet..and wouldn't that be ironic to have the last days and time end up starting in the HomeofTheHole-lyCheese...well they do make a fine SwissARMY...Knife...there's an old saying about "HowCuriosityKilledTheCat", well "Holy WTF, Batman" hope you've got something in that UtilityBelt if this sh*t backfires...hmmm wonder how many cavemen got torched when they "discovered" fire...well i guess its like the old TV ad used to say,"A Mind is a terrible thing to waste"...hmmm

2 b continued


so we thought it was all about what might be happening above...seems like, as always, its what's under your nose that smells the worst...meaning?:..Hypoxia...on the GlobalScale that is:

oh yeah now there's 400 DeadZones spread out ThePlanet due to lack of Oxygen not in TheAir but in is ceasing to exist on unheard of not only are we squandering our atmosphere, now it seems the very fiber-liquid is more like it-that by the way encompasses the MAJORITY of ThePlanet'sSurface is being affected, accellerated actually by...who else but ManTheMammal...not satisfied with sucking out TheOzone from TheAir, now we must suck out TheOxygen from TheWater...quite TheAlchemist we've become...can't wait to see where THIS will lead to...

see also:
[CLICK ON "did you mean DeadZone3.kml">VIMSDeadZone data>open..this should take you to GOOGLEearth and a map of the 400DeadZones(they're marked with flags)...take the tour]

2 b continued....