
Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Steve Jobs...iSee, iThink, iCan, iDo...iPod, iTunes, iTouch, iPad...iNtuitive...iNnovation...iCon...iMiss...EndOfTransmission...........

Friday, August 12, 2011


In an attempt to fall a giant tree one can 1) hack at it with an axe, 2) deny it sunlight & water or 3) attack its roots and poison its soil. Hack at it with axe is effort consumed on a large scale. Denying sunlight & water is a means using contributing forces that may or may not conform. Attacking the roots however is getting to the source of its internals, if you will. The soil is the essence in which it needs to survive. Weaken it and it will slowly rot and die. Take away its roots, will take away its foundation. Poison its soil it will become diseased. It will die from within and cease to become. Chopping it down still allows the roots to survive. Sunlight and water are abundant. Getting to the roots will get to the synergy. The trunk of a tree is its armor if you will its first line of defense. It takes much to disable it, to bring it down. Take away its leaves and yes you slow down the process of transforming energy of sunlight/oxygen-carbon dioxide and what have you. Yet it's still the roots that bring in the most needed nutrients.
America is a tree whose trunk is strong with its military all-with-all, and its intelligence community all-with-all. And its population is its leaves transforming all that it transforms. Yet at the root of it all its America's capitalistic mindset that fuels it and it's the Achilles heel if you will of it all. The machination, the soil in which this root is embedded is in essence its do or die. It's through this root that will topple this tree. All the axes will dull when trying to chop down this tree, much like the petrified forests of the world. Yet to topple these petrified trees it's much easier to kill the roots, poison the soil so that the tree dies from within, in time.
The capitalistic mindset, in essence the money flow is the weak link in the anatomy of this colossal tree, America, for it is TheSoil in which it is planted. And as the leaves sway with the wind of change, as the sunlight and water of time reign upon this tree, it's TheSoil that the roots are embedded in that is killing it.
Economics, the money flow, the capitalism that is TheSoil of America that is to be its downfall. The leaves will grow because of the sunlight. But TheTree itself is growing because of the roots that are planted in TheSoil in which it lives. And TheSoil of capitalism has become tainted, poison by credit debt and foreign spending and what not. And while capitalism can be a good thing, its abuse is not. So while we look for the axmen, and we put on our sunglasses and put up our umbrellas to shield from without, keep in mind what is coming from within through the roots in TheSoil and that that seed planted in the guise of democracy, in TheSoil, is in essence capitalism and that freedom to capitalize and its abuse, in essence the poisoning of TheSoil, is in essence what will cause the tree to fall.
And while a fallen tree does lose its life, it in turn through decomposition will give back life to the very soil to which it sprang from, in this case in lessons learned. Such is the cycle.

Monday, July 18, 2011


This VISA is your PASSPORT to being Owned...just ask UncleSam, right?

ThoughtsOnLeadingByExample pt2



if an individual WeThePeople of these UnitedStates were to accumulate ANY type of unrecoverable CreditDebt there would be NO moving ahead until said CreditDebt was resolved, right?...there is in place not 1, not 2 but 3 CreditRatings placed upon WeThePeople at which if any 1 of these were to be at a certain number would make it awfully difficult to do ANYTHING monetary, right?...all duly noted and regulated this emplacement of credit checks and balances, right? how is it then that TheGovernment of WeThePeople, the regulators of the regulatees has accrued a CreditDebt not in the hundreds, not in the thousands, not even in the HundredOfThousands, BUT IN THE TRILLIONS which is like in TheMillions of BILLIONS, right?...and here's ThePunchline in order to NOT have TheGoverment of TheGoverned default on ITS CreditDebts it MUST RAISE the DebtCeiling so it could BORROW more and CREDIT more, and in effect go into MORE DEBT, right?...yet for TheGoverned this behavior is a NO-NO!?!, right?...a case of "do as i say, not as i do", a case of "Robbing Peter to Pay Paul"..."Peter" being TheGoverned, "Paul" being ALL Lenders&Creditors to TheGovernment TheLeader of which is China...and when you owe you become the property of the Lender$&Creditor$, right?...can you say UnitedStatesOf..Asia...U can say WestChina, right?...hmmm

2 b continued....


after watching TheAbove could only envision if i had of been on thePanel my only comment would have been "...and how many of YOUR news stories tonight will be about something of a wholly POSITIVE nature?"...seems to me that TheMedia is/maybe singlehandedly responsible for TheDesensitizing of America to TheNegative and the backlash is complacency to TheNegative, giving rise to the SocialAcceptance of NegativeInfluence...TheMedia: print, electronic, TheMovies, TheMusic, Radio&Television, ALL are permeated to some degree by TheNegativeInfluence and the numbness with which TheMasses have become afflicted with truly "tis a puzzlement"...from cartoons to TheEveningNews and everything in between its the violence that commands attention, TheNegativeInfluenceFactor that sells TheProduct...if its not blatant its inuendo and subliminal, but its there, its TheMainIngriedient if not in your face then subtle and distinct...but of all the culprits in this shmorgishborg of BadTaste its TheNewsMedia i have most issue with and the piece above might be an epitome because of all the finger pointing being made i still ask what was the ratio of NegativeReports to PositiveReports for that station that night?...i'm a betting man, i'll take 10:1...but i guess as they say if you don't like the station then switch the channel...problem is there maybe no channels left...guess that just leaves 1 switch: off/on...hmmm

2 b continued....

Monday, March 14, 2011


it seems now that TheMind of Man is rethinking what should have been thought about long ago, in that his quest for energy sources are right smack in front of him...talking know Wind, Solar, Water...Tesla[the human mind a natural source of energy....that ole BrainPower]...yeah history showed with 3MileIsland and Chernobyl and TheChinaSyndromeMovie and TheSilkwoodMovie that NuClearEnergy aint Clear at way...with the RadioActiveWaste that it leaves behind...and now we see AGAIN the foibles this Industry has with its now inability to have its rods cooled in the lack of another industry's[electrical] power supply hampered due to TheEarthquake in Japan...and we have to sit on Pins&Needles to see what brews here...i mean where was TheForeSight that said "how will we cool nuclear rods in the event of a ELECTRICAL power outage...DUH!!!...WTF yo!!NuclearEnergy STILL needed ElectricalEnergy to coexist and now we wonder what will brew in this Cauldron Of Clusterfuck...and we are WHERE on the FoodChain???...hmmm


Thursday, February 24, 2011

ThoughtsOnAccountability pt11

in a time when Adults tell children what to do or not to do in the best intrest of TheChild...there has come a time when TheGovernment tells TheGoverned what to do in the best intrest of ALL this case its about TheCommandment that addresses "thou shalt not lie"...especially in the place of all places...TheCourtOfLaw...where i do think many a lie HAS been told by TheTobaccoIndustry...Bold-Faced-Blatant-In-Your-Face lies...after swearing to tell the truth, the whole truth AND nuthin but TheTruth...Experts after Experts have sat in front of CongressionalCourts and have LIED about the Cause&Effects of TheTobaccoLeaf and its production for HumanConsumption...and mind you now TheAuthoratativeSource known as TheSurgeonGeneral has posted/labeled/MADE CLEAR on the side of TobaccoProducts that TheConsumption DeathSentencing to TheConsumer...but CaveatEmptor seems to be TheLoopHole allowing Death to be packaged, labeled, and $old...and NOW TheGovernment is telling TheGoverned to "OWN UP"...and TheGoverned is saying...WTF??!!...are you fu*kin kidding me??!!...where in any other instance, for any OTHER reason can one DEAL ACCUSED of dealing death...have it stated WHILE you're dealing death,that you ARE dealing death(SurgeonGeneral says so..that's who)...and you stand there with that MAD Magazine character look and say "WHO? ME?"...AND GET AWAY WITH THIS SH*T...unless...unless...Its PopulationControl...i mean hey there IS but so much space on ThisPlanet for people anyway, huh.....hmmmm

2 b continued

Thursday, January 20, 2011

ThoughtsOnAccountability pt10

so it seems that WeThePeople have sent forth and have once again been led to overkill...but what is so insane about this is with all the technological advancements it still boils down to TheHumanFactor and in this case, TheWeakestLink...Techno can identify and represent, if you will, but TheHumanFactor is the Clusterfu*k in all of this...all protocol gets shot to hell when you introduce TheAdrenalineRush...make no mistake about it this was an human FUBAR for whatever reason bad judgement calls were made and deeper still is the fact that the presentation of this matter has caused those who see this fact, to be brought into HarmsWay...meaning that the individual who saw something wrong with "this picture" is being made the scapegoat...yeah technological advancements in the hands of TheHumanFactor must have its equilibrium...that being ?: ACCOUNTABILITY

Thursday, January 13, 2011


It's still amazin how awed Man is about the recent global flooding and related events around his planet...has to remember that Nature has Its cycles that regardless of Man's actions will continue and have continued thru's just Man will have an impact on the degrees upon which those cycles will advance...meaning that the cycle of evaporating, condensing and precipitating of the water element on this living planet will constantly occur only the degrees in which it occurs is now being affected and effected by Man...there is no coincidence that the melting of mountain ice as well as glacial ice and the constant eroding of land in which the water has to return to is at an imbalance directly in proportion to Man's constant zoning of residential, commercial and industry...these 3 cycles in conjunction with Nature's 3 cycles are clashing and Nature is winning...catystrophically and catyclysmically so...Nature has kept certain areas of water frozen for a reason, that being that there is only so much room for it on Earth...and water with its own 3 cycles, being liquid, solid and vapor can exist naturally and in balance in accordance to what Earth sees fit...liquid has its place in oceans, rivers and so forth...solid has its place in glaciers, moutaincaps and so forth...vapor has is place in clouds and so forth...displacing this delicatlly balanced scale can only have its Man's 3 zoning cycles we see the tipping of Nature's scale because of Man's competeing with Nature for land space...Man wants/requires land[and water]for zoning Nature requires/wants land[and water]for...water...and let's not forget that Earth is Nature's house and Man is only a recent visitor on the timeline of exsitense and therefore is still learning the HouseRules and this disregard for HouseRules...disregard of expanding on land, water and air...disregard of wasting of land, water and air...disregard of polluting of land, water and air...oh, did i not mention the 3rd member of the 3 cycles of Earth that being land, water...and air...there is so much disregard and disrespect that Nature will tolerate...there is so much room for disregard and disrespect...there is so much Man can put on the delicate scale of balance before it tips and all that rests upon the side of TheImbalance just falls off into the RealmOfExtinction and Man gets the notice of eviction which ironically is a 72 hour notice...3 days to vacate the go ahead and let industry zones deplete the air and the ozone and let the sun shine in to melt the frozen state and let residential and commercial zones erode the land and let all that now liquid find its own level[as water will do: Nature's law] and let the flood waters begin to rise and land begin to disappear and continue to watch the news as houses, cars and other MaterialValues get swept aside by Nature as it lets water seek its own level and Nature begin to clean again Earth's house for the next cycle of visitors who will find the fossil remains of homo sapiens and be amazed at the history left behind and be awed by the disregard of the delicate balance of...TheThreeCycles
....2 b continued