
Monday, July 18, 2011


This VISA is your PASSPORT to being Owned...just ask UncleSam, right?

ThoughtsOnLeadingByExample pt2



if an individual WeThePeople of these UnitedStates were to accumulate ANY type of unrecoverable CreditDebt there would be NO moving ahead until said CreditDebt was resolved, right?...there is in place not 1, not 2 but 3 CreditRatings placed upon WeThePeople at which if any 1 of these were to be at a certain number would make it awfully difficult to do ANYTHING monetary, right?...all duly noted and regulated this emplacement of credit checks and balances, right? how is it then that TheGovernment of WeThePeople, the regulators of the regulatees has accrued a CreditDebt not in the hundreds, not in the thousands, not even in the HundredOfThousands, BUT IN THE TRILLIONS which is like in TheMillions of BILLIONS, right?...and here's ThePunchline in order to NOT have TheGoverment of TheGoverned default on ITS CreditDebts it MUST RAISE the DebtCeiling so it could BORROW more and CREDIT more, and in effect go into MORE DEBT, right?...yet for TheGoverned this behavior is a NO-NO!?!, right?...a case of "do as i say, not as i do", a case of "Robbing Peter to Pay Paul"..."Peter" being TheGoverned, "Paul" being ALL Lenders&Creditors to TheGovernment TheLeader of which is China...and when you owe you become the property of the Lender$&Creditor$, right?...can you say UnitedStatesOf..Asia...U can say WestChina, right?...hmmm

2 b continued....


after watching TheAbove could only envision if i had of been on thePanel my only comment would have been "...and how many of YOUR news stories tonight will be about something of a wholly POSITIVE nature?"...seems to me that TheMedia is/maybe singlehandedly responsible for TheDesensitizing of America to TheNegative and the backlash is complacency to TheNegative, giving rise to the SocialAcceptance of NegativeInfluence...TheMedia: print, electronic, TheMovies, TheMusic, Radio&Television, ALL are permeated to some degree by TheNegativeInfluence and the numbness with which TheMasses have become afflicted with truly "tis a puzzlement"...from cartoons to TheEveningNews and everything in between its the violence that commands attention, TheNegativeInfluenceFactor that sells TheProduct...if its not blatant its inuendo and subliminal, but its there, its TheMainIngriedient if not in your face then subtle and distinct...but of all the culprits in this shmorgishborg of BadTaste its TheNewsMedia i have most issue with and the piece above might be an epitome because of all the finger pointing being made i still ask what was the ratio of NegativeReports to PositiveReports for that station that night?...i'm a betting man, i'll take 10:1...but i guess as they say if you don't like the station then switch the channel...problem is there maybe no channels left...guess that just leaves 1 switch: off/on...hmmm

2 b continued....