
Friday, August 12, 2011


In an attempt to fall a giant tree one can 1) hack at it with an axe, 2) deny it sunlight & water or 3) attack its roots and poison its soil. Hack at it with axe is effort consumed on a large scale. Denying sunlight & water is a means using contributing forces that may or may not conform. Attacking the roots however is getting to the source of its internals, if you will. The soil is the essence in which it needs to survive. Weaken it and it will slowly rot and die. Take away its roots, will take away its foundation. Poison its soil it will become diseased. It will die from within and cease to become. Chopping it down still allows the roots to survive. Sunlight and water are abundant. Getting to the roots will get to the synergy. The trunk of a tree is its armor if you will its first line of defense. It takes much to disable it, to bring it down. Take away its leaves and yes you slow down the process of transforming energy of sunlight/oxygen-carbon dioxide and what have you. Yet it's still the roots that bring in the most needed nutrients.
America is a tree whose trunk is strong with its military all-with-all, and its intelligence community all-with-all. And its population is its leaves transforming all that it transforms. Yet at the root of it all its America's capitalistic mindset that fuels it and it's the Achilles heel if you will of it all. The machination, the soil in which this root is embedded is in essence its do or die. It's through this root that will topple this tree. All the axes will dull when trying to chop down this tree, much like the petrified forests of the world. Yet to topple these petrified trees it's much easier to kill the roots, poison the soil so that the tree dies from within, in time.
The capitalistic mindset, in essence the money flow is the weak link in the anatomy of this colossal tree, America, for it is TheSoil in which it is planted. And as the leaves sway with the wind of change, as the sunlight and water of time reign upon this tree, it's TheSoil that the roots are embedded in that is killing it.
Economics, the money flow, the capitalism that is TheSoil of America that is to be its downfall. The leaves will grow because of the sunlight. But TheTree itself is growing because of the roots that are planted in TheSoil in which it lives. And TheSoil of capitalism has become tainted, poison by credit debt and foreign spending and what not. And while capitalism can be a good thing, its abuse is not. So while we look for the axmen, and we put on our sunglasses and put up our umbrellas to shield from without, keep in mind what is coming from within through the roots in TheSoil and that that seed planted in the guise of democracy, in TheSoil, is in essence capitalism and that freedom to capitalize and its abuse, in essence the poisoning of TheSoil, is in essence what will cause the tree to fall.
And while a fallen tree does lose its life, it in turn through decomposition will give back life to the very soil to which it sprang from, in this case in lessons learned. Such is the cycle.