
Wednesday, July 31, 2013


....hmmm now here we go gets gun and does horrendous things with gun and we feel ghastly at the events unfolded...BUT let us rewind ourselves 4 a minuteOR2 and say...hmmm how DeSensetized have we ManTheMammal become?...meaning at least here in TheseUnitedStatesOfAmerica....we have subjected ourselves to REPEATED violence4violence sakes since I can remember...let's go back to our CHILDHOOD shall we..TheCartoons(written by ADULTS mind u) have been enodated with "slapstick" violence for GENERATIONS...OK!?!...a "goodChuckle" comes from the repeated slaps/chokes/shootings...did i say SHOOTINGS?!...oohyessMildred...we have sat our CHILDREN 4 HOURS on END infront of 'TheBooBTube...and let them become sauteed with subliminalViolence4GENERATIONS...a "good" actionFlick AIN'T GOOD if it AIN'T got that ViolentContent...its all ..what GOODhumor!?!...hmmm...and you wonder why the USA is #1 in GUNdeaths...oh yes theNRA says: ...wHAT!!!....TheMindset must reAwaken and see that TheViolenceFabric is Well-Woven in THIS society and it goes thru ALL Media& may wellBe in TheDNA of ManTheMammal=CaveMan2CaviorMan but until we see theSimple that has become TheComplex meaning from TheCulture that we have GrownUp from...TheAcceptanceOfTheViolence...then the TragedyWillContinue.....................



while i get TheIdea there is something missing (tho kinda recognized bythe editors...i feel minimized might b a better word) and that being the ommision of TheWheel!!! without which ManTheMammal would NEVER have had theMobility to populate ThePlanet[ for better or worse]...theHorse can carry but so much and yes there was sea travel BUT that CIRCULAR design has lead to GearDesign and many OTHER applications unique to CIRCULARmotion/design not to mention it's one of Man's FIRSTmachines...i dunno maybe its just me BUT TheWheel hands down is one of Man's top three INVENTIONS/IDEAS[Fire and Number systems(everything can be Quantified nowadays)] and to consider the MentalDevelopmentalStage at that time.............

ThoughtsOnDeadZones Pt.3

...2013 and ManTheMammal is STILL creating DeadZones...indiscriminateDeath abounds within this DeadZone and this a reoccuring DeadZone!!...........


Tuesday, April 16, 2013


...when u opened TheDoor2TheBostonTeaParty...there WILLcome a time when THOSE WHO think they CANdo...WILLdo...&so it WILLcontinue2....because everyNOW&THEN....revolution2Reaction2reform2...willl CONTINUE2...&wherebetterthan N THEhomeOFTHEoriginal Terrorist...TheOriginalMINUTEman...onPatriot'sDay....hmmm...homeGrown...Ndeed




..the memories 4 me are going 2 b Pat&Madden 4eva...nuffsaid

Saturday, April 6, 2013


..hmmm....I'm 55y/o went 2 a school in NYC named AllHallows[back in the 60's there was CorporalPunishment in schools N NYC] n TheBronx WHERE TheIrishChristianBrothers WEREinYOURface...went 2 USAF WHERE TIs[TrainingInstructo/ers] WERE IN YOUR FACE...ummm there was a DisciplineMindset put forth NOT 2 ABUSE[ABnormalUSE] theMentalApproach to extract FROM the student/airman TheBestHE/SHEcould be...a old saying "SpareTheRodSpoilTheChild"-mindset where a DEGREEofDiscipline is brought2bear...KEYWORD:DEGREE...aMeasureOF...a Threshold IFUWILL..whereby you EXTRACTthatESSENCEthatYOUareSEEKING...inTheCorrectionalFACILITY=ShockCampITZcalled
aAVANTGARDEapproach..aOUTSIDEofTHEBOXapproach....there WAS a TV SERIES named 24 whereTHEcharacterJACKBauer used OUTSIDEtheBOXapproach2ACHIEVEtheDESIREDeffect...that rattled cagesBUTgotTHEJOBdone!!!!...going FULLcircleWITHthis..yes COACHrice...CROSSEDaLINE...BUT CorporalPunishmentCROSSESaLINE...NAVYsealsBUD/StrainingCROSSESaLINE...but it IZAboutCAUSE& ExtractsTheEssence and in 2 MOVIES[ARTimitatatingLIFE]:AfewGOODmen[codeRED..THEextreme(iGUESS)]&FULLmetalJACKET[The"BLANKETparty"SCENE(where a blanket was covered over TheRecruit and he was pummeled with pillowCases by his an USAFvet i DO KNOW ABOUT THOSE...TheUNextreme{ifuwill}]...because when ALL iz said&done espescially in TheManArena u will have ACTIONS THAT WILL TAKE PLACE that will TRY 2 Bring out TheBEST within an individual that will go the way of TakingOffTheKidGloves as theySAY..& IT WON'T B PRETTY..but N the MovieForrestGump:RunnnFORRESTrUNNN!!!!...& i guess that in TheMovie: A FewGoodMen...YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!!!....hmmm.....
