
Tuesday, April 16, 2013


...when u opened TheDoor2TheBostonTeaParty...there WILLcome a time when THOSE WHO think they CANdo...WILLdo...&so it WILLcontinue2....because everyNOW&THEN....revolution2Reaction2reform2...willl CONTINUE2...&wherebetterthan N THEhomeOFTHEoriginal Terrorist...TheOriginalMINUTEman...onPatriot'sDay....hmmm...homeGrown...Ndeed




..the memories 4 me are going 2 b Pat&Madden 4eva...nuffsaid

Saturday, April 6, 2013


..hmmm....I'm 55y/o went 2 a school in NYC named AllHallows[back in the 60's there was CorporalPunishment in schools N NYC] n TheBronx WHERE TheIrishChristianBrothers WEREinYOURface...went 2 USAF WHERE TIs[TrainingInstructo/ers] WERE IN YOUR FACE...ummm there was a DisciplineMindset put forth NOT 2 ABUSE[ABnormalUSE] theMentalApproach to extract FROM the student/airman TheBestHE/SHEcould be...a old saying "SpareTheRodSpoilTheChild"-mindset where a DEGREEofDiscipline is brought2bear...KEYWORD:DEGREE...aMeasureOF...a Threshold IFUWILL..whereby you EXTRACTthatESSENCEthatYOUareSEEKING...inTheCorrectionalFACILITY=ShockCampITZcalled
aAVANTGARDEapproach..aOUTSIDEofTHEBOXapproach....there WAS a TV SERIES named 24 whereTHEcharacterJACKBauer used OUTSIDEtheBOXapproach2ACHIEVEtheDESIREDeffect...that rattled cagesBUTgotTHEJOBdone!!!!...going FULLcircleWITHthis..yes COACHrice...CROSSEDaLINE...BUT CorporalPunishmentCROSSESaLINE...NAVYsealsBUD/StrainingCROSSESaLINE...but it IZAboutCAUSE& ExtractsTheEssence and in 2 MOVIES[ARTimitatatingLIFE]:AfewGOODmen[codeRED..THEextreme(iGUESS)]&FULLmetalJACKET[The"BLANKETparty"SCENE(where a blanket was covered over TheRecruit and he was pummeled with pillowCases by his an USAFvet i DO KNOW ABOUT THOSE...TheUNextreme{ifuwill}]...because when ALL iz said&done espescially in TheManArena u will have ACTIONS THAT WILL TAKE PLACE that will TRY 2 Bring out TheBEST within an individual that will go the way of TakingOffTheKidGloves as theySAY..& IT WON'T B PRETTY..but N the MovieForrestGump:RunnnFORRESTrUNNN!!!!...& i guess that in TheMovie: A FewGoodMen...YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!!!....hmmm.....
