Is it just me or is there something about the CigaretteIndustry and its abililty to exist in spite of...PhilipMorris has had an advertisement out stating that it has a website dedicated to
helping people to quit smoking...
What the F**k is up with industry entity is saying that it will help people with a product that it is producing that it
willing knows is harmful, hell, is deadly, is killing people and the government is
allowing this industry to exist, to put up a website that blatanly acknowledges that its product is killing people and that while concurrently producing this product it will
help people who are dying from this product...
What the F**k is up with that???...There's no way you can tell me there's nothing wrong with this picture...or is there let's see, its taxable...that's good for business...its creating all sorts of illness', more medical facilities to practice on people, more pharmeceutical companies to pump out medicines...that's good for business...people keep dying at a good rate, population control is in check...that's good for busi---
What the F**k is up with it a coincedence that the 3 biggest killers of human life are controlled/regulated by 1 federal organization...
Funds...that's good for business...
What the F**k is up with that?
to be continued...