Let me start by saying let’s empty that cup. We all at times walk around with our cups overflowing with misconcepts, preconcepts, instilled and installed info. This requires an open mind…an empty cup. Man has always had an inborn affinity with many things, things which come “by nature”. One of these affinities is the connection with the planet Mars. Always Martian this, Martian that. Maybe because man’s origin IS the red planet Mars. As science has ‘discovered’ that Mars was very Earthlike maybe the ‘travel’ of ‘Noah’s Ark’ was in fact a fleeing from Mars to Earth. Maybe the cataclysmic tale of ‘40 days and 40 nights’ was something much more…just watered down in its telling. Science “fiction” has always been fascinated with invasions from Mars and the like. No other planet of the nine has gotten so much ‘attention’ as Mars…even before the scientific advances of today. In Hollywood, movies have abound with Martian tales, even Orson Wells managed to invoke mass hysteria with a radio broadcast : “War of the Worlds”. There has always prevailed throughout the existence of the human population here on Earth a notion of extraterrestrialism. For a planet to have had creatures to exist such as the dinosaurs that mysteriously became extinct just before the ’missing link’ appearance of humans is to say at the least…interesting. And to say how a being could evolve from caveman to astronaut is, well…interesting. And how exactly did a whole planet like Mars come from signs of having water as evidenced by polar ice caps and canyons similar to the Grand Canyon here on Earth to a red desolate planet…global warming perhaps? Could the same humankind that is dessimating the global climate here on Earth have similarly wreaked havoc on Mars and had advanced to the point technologically as to have developed ‘Noah’s Ark’ to seek refuge on a neighboring planet? And if as the Bible infers about 'Noah's Ark' (housing 2 of each creature on 'earth' [not necessarily literal Earth]) then instead of it being a ark/boat it was more equatable to a Mothership. If man can have developed technologically here on Earth why not there on Mars? Always Martian this and Martian that. A coincidence or an instinct of the past? And exactly what hidden manuscripts of ’the past’ are being so closely guarded and kept secret deep in the vaults of Vatican City? And where is all this knowledge illuminating from at Groom Lake? hmmm...
To be continued…
To be continued…
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