when MichaelVick was charged with the federal charges connected with dog fighting his ethnicity was dragged across the coals, in fact the ethnicity of those not connected with his crime was dragged across the coals...his background was scrutinized and dragged across the coals, in fact the background of people of the same ethnicity not connected with his crime was raked across the coals...throughout the pro football season it was StricklyVickly, organizations and voices were raised in vile protest because of the federal charges brought against the AfricanAmerican, aka Black, male MichaelVick...running almost concurrently with the MichaelVick federal case sports story was the federal case sports story of CaucasionIrishAmerican, aka White, male TimDoneghy who was charged with betting on and possibly altering what now, admitted by him, is close to 100 professional basketball games...was his ethnicity raked across the coals?, in fact was the ethnicity of those not connected with his crime dragged across the coals?...did not the Commissioner of
his sport go on television and say that theWhiteMale TimDoneghy's actions was possibly the "darkest moment" in NBA history?...was his [TimDoneghy] background raked across the coals...was the background of those not connected with this case dragged across the coals?...where were the organizations and voices raised in vile protest throughout this basketball season?...where were the picket signs and constant media mentioning of theWhiteMale TimDoneghy in proportion to theBlackMale MichaelVick...
oh, i get it...it was the cruelty to dogs that warranted, that justified the imbalance shown theBlackMale MichaelVick over theWhiteMale TimDoneghy...both mind you were found guilty of federal crimes...one mind you had a direct impact within his sport...one mind you was a referee charged with upholding the integrity of his position and sport...one mind you commited his crime while on the job and in uniform...one mind you is a BlackMale...one mind you is a WhiteMale...
oh, i get it...it was the cruelty to animals issue...so let's see then if MichaelVick had been charged and found guilty of betting on and possibly altered the outcome of close to 100 NFL games and TimDoneghy had been charged and found guilty of being involved with dogfighting then an imbalance would be warranted, be justified...one mind you is a BlackMale...one mind you is a WhiteMale...
oh, i get it.....
to be continued