time to once again empty thy cup...on a planet, Earth, whose humankind are predominantly of color the anomaly seems to reside with the Caucasian humankind...the only not of color...the only with a history of behavior that, how to put this, goes against the norm...the only whose behavior seems to be, how to put this, unEarthly...created NuclearEnergy with its NuclearWaste...cutting up the RainForest with its climatic and ecological impact...weird how Russians pioneered spaceflight...hmm...Russians...hmm...Caucasus Mountains[part of southern Russia, by the way]...hmm...Caucasians...Orson Wells creator of "War of the Worlds" has lineage from...Russia...it seems an interesting observation that Caucasians are the frontrunners with the MartianCuriosity...always Martian this, Martian that...now while it may not be as simple as Black and White...there appears to be something unEarthly...against the norm...about TheMartianConnection...nonsense?...maybe...coincedence?...see ThoughtsOnParallelOccurance ...oh, by the way, ever happen to notice the primary color of the RussianFlag [the same color shared by all involved in TheSpaceRace]...but...
to be continued....
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