
Sunday, June 29, 2008


oh yes...MotherNature
can be quite
the TwistedSister
this is quite
a unique premise...
keep upping that CO2
and you may get more
than just Oxygen
with your morning breakfast
1 day

ThoughtsOnTheUnforseen pt2

so now Man has gone and created the UltimateAtomSmasher...TheHadronCollider...on one of those cable channel shows about the DoomsdayEvents was one event involving a AtomSmasher gone awry...well here we go...hasn't ManTheMammal learned yet from GodImitating that he ain't got it yet...went ahead with AtomicEnergy and has AtomicWaste that cannot be dealt with...oh but did build TheAtomicBomb...gee that had some good need to it...shutdown WorldWarTwo and now we want to shutdown everyone who wants one cause we're afraid it might shutdown the whole ManTheMammal wants the UltimateAtomSmasher to create on the Joker said in the 1st BatmanMovie, "where does he get those wonderful toys?" f**kin about stopping world about building AfricanWaterPipelines[built those AlaskanOilPipelines though didn'tcha]...what the f**k is up wit dat? ...maybe its that MartianConnection thing again [cause ain't nothin normal about this sh*t here]...yeah, "Earth, the NextRedPlanet"....

to be continued...

Saturday, June 28, 2008


notice how a disturbance at the frontdoor allows people to sneak in from the to speak...let's flip that principal around just a bit...there's been a disturbance with the Earth's temperature while things have evolved under current earth temperatures....what will evolve under the new takes just a change of degrees either way to make an organism thrive or die...and that's just in areas where we can what's happening in area's we can't/do not places we may not know even exist...such as "10,000 Leagues under the Sea" or wherever we haven't had the time to "stop and smell the roses"....what organism is evolving due to GlobalWarming that we may not know about because the Climate is changing and we do know that Evolution is the ultimate "Adapt and Overcome" what might have been frozen for ages is now thawing and flowing out towards civilization to evolve among us...oozing up from the earth's core towards civilization to evolve among us...yes, this disturbance at the frontdoor is about to let in something from the while we're probing Mars for that somethin somethin let's not forget about "TheSpookWhoSatByTheDoor" to speak....

to be continued......

Friday, June 27, 2008

ThoughtsOnLevelsOfResponsibility pt2

sometimes being given the KeysToTheMansion can be more of a test than a privilege...and Man is seriously failing in its endeavor in being KingOfHisCastle...having recently read a article about the NorthPole possibly for the 1st time in HumanExistence of not having an IceCap this summer reads volumes into the phrase of Having Book Smarts and No Common may be Destiny and not Fate that Man may go the way of the Dinosaur and become extinct by way of a Genocide that is actually a Suicide called up on TheStageOfLife...TheMeek[shall inherit the earth]

Friday, June 13, 2008

ThoughtsOnR.KellyTrial pt2

not sold on verdict..seen whole video when it first came out which included infamous piss scene still convinced it was him...but hey...jurors also acquitted SeanBell's murderers...helluva year for the "blindfolded scale carrier"....anyone down to rob TheFederalReserve?...seems crime does pay!...then again with my luck...

ThoughtsOnPerspective pt2

an old story...there was a old man walking with a young boy in the woods when they came across a fox chasing a rabbit...upon seeing the rabbit get away the boy was sad about the fox's failed attempt whereby the old man replied, " the fox was running for its dinner, the rabbit was running for its life."


for decades...for centuries...hell, for a millenium...the Government of the UnitedStatesOfAmerica has sent Million$ to countries overseas..been loyal to those in need...has sent Billion$ to corporations in tax credit/relief..been loyal to those in need...has sent Trillion$ to the DepartmentOfDefense..been loyal to those in 2008 sent a $300 "$timulous payment" check to WeThePeople..been loyal to those in need?...yes, there is an old story from Aesop's Fables whose moral is "never bite the hand that feeds you "...hand? HAND?....yo Mutherf***ah, turn around and bend over!!


In a Country where there's talk by TheGovernment of Taliban and terrorism...of Iraq and government overthrow and NuclearAgenda...of Iran and NuclearAgenda...of NorthKorea and NuclearAgenda...of ImpliedThreats to Oil...there's been ActionJackson, JimDandy to the rescue[go JimDandy go]...there's been hundreds of Sons and Daughters and Brothers and Sisters and Husbands and Wives and Mothers and Fathers sent into HarmsWay to "protect the freedom of America, The United States of"...of Mottos such as "anytime, anyplace", "swift, silent and deadly", "De Oppreso Liber"....In a Country where there's talk by TheGovernment of Genocide in Darfur...there's been

Monday, June 2, 2008


went to a blog and it was about guitar now let's get down n about [there's this show that i love called Duel] then..."let's Duel"....rememeber back when television was TV and we would run home at 12 noon to watch the kung fu flicks [here in NYC anyway] or watch those 1 on 1 NBA halftime showdowns ...yeah way back in the day...let's have a guitar showdown a 1 on 1 if you will and i put forth the first 2 we go...ladies and this corner the classic Funkadelic's EddieHazel "MaggotBrain" vs PinkFloyd's DavidGilmore playing "ComfortablyNumb" live Pulse version....and FrankZappa "BlackNapkins" "ZootAllures" LP vs RobinTrower "Too Rolling Stoned" from the "Bridge of Sighs"LP..."let's get ready to rruummmbbbllee"........Santana, Hendrix,Clapton,Berry,King,DiMeola,VanHalen..please stand by...oh yeah....Cobham,Pert,Rich,Seraphine,Starr..Starr? keep the noise down...yo, Clarke,Pastorius,Lee,Burton,Wooten, McCartney...McCartney?...down the hall......


it amuses me when i hear people get upset at professional athletes when they demonstrate that certain energy at times during games..."can't stand all that dancin in the endzone when they score a touchdown"..."hate all that fist pumpin when they strikeout a batter"..."all that chest beatin when they sack that quarterback"...all that head bobbin and finger pointin and toe tappin and hip shakin and......yo mutherf***kah.....ya paid 2 b ntertained..what part of da memo U missd?...goes back to the gladiators in the coliseum...spectators..spectating...performers..performing...e-n-t-e-r-t-a-i-n-e-r-s..e-n-t-e-r-t-a-i-n-i-n-g...can U people spell IQ?..its all entertainment..headbobbinfingerpointintoetappinchestpoundinfistpumpinendzonedancinhipshakinENTERTAINMENT let's get a grip and "act like you been there before" be entertained and sit down and shut the f**k up...and enjoy the moment

ThoughtsOnMartianConnection pt3

so a "footprint" has been left on Mars, huh....hmm wonder if there's a radio broadcast evoking mass hysteria there..."the Earthlings have landed"...OrsonWells would be proud, afterall, always Martian this and Martian that...hmmm i wonder if they're all watching "My Favorite...Earthling", afterall, just cause you can't see'em doesn't mean they ain't there..just means you can't see'em, afterall, let's not forget there's things Man can't f**king see on his own PlanetEarth without that InfraRed-doohikey-NightVision-thingamabob...what the f**k, needs a light bulb to piss straight in the dark soooo...hell, we need ElectronMicroscopes to see sh*t that would probably give mass heartattacks to us if we could see'em....soooo let's see what MartianChronicles we're unEarthing exactly shall we...or maybe they're watching know before NakedGun, you know before the WhiteBronco, after USC, "CapricornOne"...always MartianThis, MartianThat...hmmm
to be continued