so a "footprint" has been left on Mars, huh....hmm wonder if there's a radio broadcast evoking mass hysteria there..."the Earthlings have landed"...OrsonWells would be proud, afterall, always Martian this and Martian that...hmmm i wonder if they're all watching "My Favorite...Earthling", afterall, just cause you can't see'em doesn't mean they ain't there..just means you can't see'em, afterall, let's not forget there's things Man can't f**king see on his own PlanetEarth without that InfraRed-doohikey-NightVision-thingamabob...what the f**k, needs a light bulb to piss straight in the dark soooo...hell, we need ElectronMicroscopes to see sh*t that would probably give mass heartattacks to us if we could see'em....soooo let's see what MartianChronicles we're unEarthing exactly shall we...or maybe they're watching ...you know before NakedGun, you know before the WhiteBronco, after USC, O.J.Simpson...in "CapricornOne"...always MartianThis, MartianThat...hmmm
to be continued
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