there's an old saying..Curiosity Killed The Cat...in Man's uncanny wisdom lies a chilling notion about curiosity...that child-like fascination about discovery...if the Bible does tell anything it tells of the Tree of Knowledge and the curse of Man and the eating of the fruit from it...in acquiring knowledge there comes the Godlike attribute called Wisdom and unfortunately Man hasn't quite got the hang of TheWisdom thing...yet...and it is troubling that with the Creation of this Super-Collider, TheHadronCollider, Man's curiosity has risen to a chilling climax ...it can only be hoped that the people responsible for this are just that...responsible...because there's only 1 chance to f**k this one up...the Atom has shown that it cannot be toyed with...remember Chernobyl...remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki...why would you want to collapse an Atom and create a BlackHole on your Planet...of all the mistakes Man has made with his technology in trial and error...this one does not get a mulligan...there will be no "oops, lets try that again"...as DirtyHarry would say "a Man's got to know his limitations"...don't get me wrong Man's curiosity has led to great things...but i just don't know if the "slip and fall" factor is worth the knowledge gained here...as Lao Tzu would say "He who knows others is intelligent, he who knows himself is wise"...suffice it to say we have alot to be curious about ourselves 1st before we step into the OtherRealm
to be continued
to be continued
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