well now they've done it...the subliminal FineLine has been drawn in the the sand...the 2 most major issues in this country will now stand toe to toe and put up their dickbeaters...the 'OleBoyNetwork'[OBN] has finally tuned in the right channel...wtf am i talking about???...the AllMaleClub will once again have an opening in November and the PowersThatBe have seen fit to finally let the 2 biggest minority issues have at it...an AfricanAmerican[aka Black]Man will be opposing a [White]Woman for Presidency of these UnitedStatesOfAmerica, oh yes i know that the WhiteWoman is 2nd in charge in this issue...but McCain says he'll only be serving 1 term...hmmm...but we really know the RealDeal here its going to be about the 2 classes of individuals that had to fight for the right to vote in these UnitedStatesOfAmerica and the PowersThatBe knew that the only polarizing effect to the one issue was to bring forth the other issue...and now the SmokeScreen has been set...for now that the AfricanAmerican did not truly tip the balance of Power by accepting a Woman as running mate[and did we not hear the CollectiveSigh of Relief from the OBN] it was only fitting[and last resort...no, only resort] that the WomanOption be played...for we also know that Qualification notwithstanding it was the only option because Qualification was definitely a MootPoint...so now the PopularVote will come to play and the SmokeScreen will pervail and permeate and what would have been a NoBrainer will become tightly contested not on intellect but emotion[ "ohh MaGoo youu've done it again"] and it will boil down to the Ominous ElectoralCollege to pronounce Victory...yes the OBN will be the Network to watch this fall...and the Drama will only be the tip of the iceberg on this channel...hmmm
to be continued
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