with all this bailout sh*t...let's get accountable shall we...we the people must be held accountable for everything from the floor to the kitchen sink...when tax time comes we must roll out the reciepts for everything we declare as tax exempt...every little bit of this...every little bit of that...so UncleSam let's get jiggy with it shall we...i propose that you...Mr. Government...for the people by the people...give us a receipt...an receipt accountable so we can see exactly where these dollars are going...you know accounts receivable...and just what is tax dollars...in a government that's in debt to other countries...how much debt is this country...Government... to us....hmmm....a black hole indeed...time to send a Hubble-type into this green universe and see what planets and monetary solar systems have been spinning off....hmmm...AIG constellation...oohh what have we here Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, BankOfAmerica, Wachovia...looks like a Big Dipper to me...hmmm...accountants tryin to be accountable...hmmm...and you tell me that you can't forgive a student loan...you can't tend to the the farmer who grows your crops...you ain't got time for the EverydayPeople[slystone]...gimme mine...i want a receipt for the deceit that's been put upon TheWe who hold these truths to be self-evident...yo UncleSam whatsupwitdat....hmmm...[40Acres and a Mule] indeed....that's alot of RealEstate yet unaccounted for indeed....hmmm..."for i'm EverydayPeople"...or maybe as LittleOprhanAnnie so succincntly put it[and JayZ so Ebonically embellished it and MikeMyers so Whitely spun it] "it's a HardKnockLife for us instead of kisses we get kicks, instead of treated we get tricks, its a HardKnockLife"...UncleSam you DaddyWarBucks you....
2 b continued
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