in a Country known for its InnerCultures...when Cocaine was known as TheRichMan'sDrug b4 it became "affordable" because of its stimulant properties to keep "professionals" alert through grinding hours...when Valium was nicknamed Mother'sLittleHelper because it got Mom thru grinding times...when Marijuana was a culture unto its own...there have been times when some substance had its PrimeUsers...within the SportCulture, be it weightlifting, pro football, pro baseball, Steroids was TheSubstance and like coke and weed the government deemed them illegal or as they say "controlled" and like valium had to be prescribed and like valium, presciptions were...suspect to say the least...however the usage had an end that justified the means: it helped performance...but as the saying goes "you play with fire you will get burned"...and you can smell the smoke...and within some InnerCultures its all about getting that edge that helps to excel...and as with all things there's use and ABnormalUSE or abuse and therein lies the controversy...lack of moderation draws the spotlight...TheRichMan'sDrug, Mother'sLittleHelper, Marijuana, Steroids all drew attention to themselves mainly because of lack of moderation...from DrugUse to DrugAbuse...the fire began to smoke and the smoke became noticable and the spotlight began to beam...brightly...and what once flew under the radar became blips on the screen and controversy became the topic of discussion...Steroids now TheTopicOfConvo...cause and effect outweighed ends justifying means...but whatever TheRight or TheWrong, in a CountryOfCultures with its InnerCultures there's 1 underlying thread that weaves thru it all and that's Freedom...the Right to choose irrespective of another's bias and while that Right may have its Consequences...at least once in our lifetime we all have the Freedom...to be dumb
2 b continued
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