finally in a time of TheMeEra there comes a spot in our existence when its time to move as TheHumanCollective where there is a moment for TheCommonCause...EarthHour was 1 of ThoseMoments where when one could become part of TheSolution and not TheProblem...and tho it appeared within TheMediaSpectrum that all went i gazed out my 4th floor apartment window i could still see lights on...lots of lights on...but i could truly smile and be proud mine were off...cause really...i didn't know a damn thing about it till my 6yr old Nyla
told me...but we looked out the windows together counting/pointing/joking about how many on/how many off as the GladeCandles scented our apartment...yeah for 1 EarthHour TheCollective were on point.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
ThoughtsOnFirst100Days pt4...ESPN - Tournament Challenge - President Obama's Entry

in taking a little diversion from the mopup operation that was left behind by G.W.Bush, President Obama has entered into MarchMadness...good for him...i as well have entered the fray via ESPN's annual MM Bracketology feature and though PrezObama used only 1 entry, i on the other hand, have 10 each...10 for the men's tourney and 10 for the women's half of let's see how we compare in the men's tourney thru the sweet16 to the elite8 to the final4 to the ultimate victor shall we....
ESPN - Tournament Challenge - President Obama's Entry
ESPN - Tournament Challenge - President Obama's Entry
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

on 12/21/2012 the MayanCalendar has forseen an alignment of the universe closeby that may spell Doomsday for TheThirdRock....hmmm...on 12/12/2012 a NEA[NearEarthAsteroid] named Toutatis is slated to approach a distance of 0.04633AU from Earth...the Moon is 0.0026AU from Earth[ an AU is the mean distance of Earth to Sun around 92,955,810miles]...hmmm...okay......
1) 2/10/09 NEA EE5 passed at 0.04536AU
2) 2/18/09 NEA AQ10 passed 0.01796AU
3) 5/17/09 NEA SG286 will pass 0.03081AU
3) 6/28/09 NEA FE90 will pass 0.01796AU
4) 9/17/09 NEA CO101 will pass 0.04581AU
5) 10/8/09 NEA CV26 will pass 0.02518AU
6) 11/22/09 VF32 will pass 0.04260AU
all without the MayanCalendar planetary alignment implications and whatnot...all without least (1) & (2) anyways...
...well if that don't raise an eyebrow check this 1 out...on 4/13/2029 NEA Apophis is set to pass at a distance of 0.0002318AU from ole HomeSweetHome...mind you again the Moon is 0.0026AU from TheHood...think we might want to take life a little mo' seriously between 2009-2012..and a tad mo' between 2012-2029...but hey....we're still lookin for LifeOnMars[or more implictly] if life can be substained on Mars and TheMartianConnection.....
oh yeah, these NEA's are also catergorized as PHA's[PotentiallyHazardousAsteroids]...ever wonder what all that subterranean construction in the neighborhood recently is all about?????...hmmm
and what about that mysterious "star" named in TheBible [Rev8:11] called Wormwood...hmmm
2 b continued...maybe
ThoughtsOnAccountability pt8
ThoughtsOnAccountability pt7

hmmm....H.R.40 has come to proposal(see right column of blog under: ThoughtsOnThis) a time of Accountability being the in word along with Transparency let us see how far AmericaTheBeautiful is willing to go in making peace with her the election of the 44th truly a beginning or is it a "enough is enough already" mentality...i mean TheJewishCommunity has had no problem with Accountability when it came to TheHolocaustIssue...TheFemaleCommunity had no problem with Accountability when it came to shall TheAfricanAmericanCommunity have a problem with Accountability when it comes to TheSlaveryIssue...i mean after all it is time for a Change...i believe that is also one of the in when it comes to in words will the new in word be Reparations....will be quite an expensive in a time when money seems to be making things right...will this be a time to pay up for the past....or is it a figurative rather than a literal in word this word...Reparations...and just how will AmericaTheBeautiful see fit to pay up...and in this country of Yay or Nay just who will be the NaySayers...for don't forget this new in word...Reparations...will be applied to the old 'n' word only...exclusively...and we know what emotions exclusivity tends to bring out in people nowadays with all this bailout talk....but let's not forget who used to bailout those bales of cotton years ago...oh but that was when SlaveLabor was the in word for the 'n' word...hmmm...but seriously tho' it will be interesting to see how H.R.40 will be taken...maybe with a grain of salt or with a reality that should have happened a long, long time ago...Accountability...or is it another case of Transparency...oh by the way, is it just me or did they stop short of proposing H.R.40AcresAndA Mule???...hmmm...and oh yeah before we get too caught up look closely at the title of is a commission to study the proposal of a act[that's not quite yet a bill, that's not quite yet a law]...can't get no more Transparent than that, huh...hmmmm
2 b continued
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
ThoughtsOnTheFirst100Days pt3

in the ongoing attempts to mopup the sh*t left behind by former PresidentialF*ckinMoronG.W.Bush:
the following is excerpted and condensed from the following link:
Obama Looks to Limit Impact of Tactic Bush Used to Sidestep New Laws
Published: March 9, 2009
Published: March 9, 2009
WASHINGTON — Calling into question the legitimacy of all the signing statements that former President George W. Bush used to challenge new laws, President Obama ordered executive officials on Monday to consult with Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. before relying on any of them to bypass a statute.
Mr. Bush’s use of signing statements led to fierce controversy. He frequently used them to declare that provisions in the bills he was signing were unconstitutional constraints on executive power, and that the laws did not need to be enforced or obeyed as written. The laws he challenged included a ban on torture and requirements that Congress be given detailed reports about how the Justice Department was using the counterterrorism powers in the USA Patriot Act.
Since the 19th century, presidents have occasionally signed a bill while declaring that one or more provisions were unconstitutional. The practice became more frequent with the Reagan administration, but it initially drew little attention.
That changed under Mr. Bush, who broke all records, using signing statements to challenge about 1,200 sections of bills over his eight years in office, about twice the number challenged by all previous presidents combined, according to data compiled by Christopher Kelley, a political science professor at Miami University in Ohio.
That changed under Mr. Bush, who broke all records, using signing statements to challenge about 1,200 sections of bills over his eight years in office, about twice the number challenged by all previous presidents combined, according to data compiled by Christopher Kelley, a political science professor at Miami University in Ohio.
The American Bar Association declared that such signing statements were “contrary to the rule of law and our constitutional separation of powers,” and called on Mr. Bush and future presidents to stop using them and to return to a system of either signing a bill and then enforcing all of it, or vetoing the bill and giving Congress a chance to override that veto.
The Bush administration defended its use of signing statements as lawful and appropriate.
The Bush administration defended its use of signing statements as lawful and appropriate.
Mr. Obama’s directive was consistent with what he said in the 2008 presidential campaign, when he criticized Mr. Bush’s use of signing statements as an abuse.
In his directive, Mr. Obama said any signing statement issued before his presidency should be viewed with doubt, placing an asterisk beside all of those issued by Mr. Bush...
and now [drum roll please] on to the events surrounding 9/11
2 b continued
ThoughtsOnAccountability pt6

what am i buggin!!??...another SupremeCourtDecision in favor of WeThePeeps??!!....the following is excerpted and condensed from the following link: :
Surprise Supreme Court Decision Ends Big Pharma's Pre-Emption Bid for Legal Immunity
Thursday, March 05, 2009 by: Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
(NaturalNews) In a 6-3 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled against Wyeth in the Diana Levine case, setting a crucial precedent in the battle against Big Pharma.The ruling ends an important part of the Big Pharma / FDA conspiracy racket that sought to market extremely dangerous (and even deadly) drugs while providing full legal immunity to drug companies, even when those companies actively lied about the safety of their drugs by hiding negative drug studies from the public and the FDA.The legal path for lawsuits has now been cleared, and drug companies can no longer claim legal immunity just because they managed to deceive the FDA into declaring their dangerous chemicals were "approved."from potentially hundreds of thousands of people who have been harmed by dangerous prescription medications.
and ever wonder where those new diseases like multiple osteohemmoroids and mega bipolar syndromitis come from?:
Big Pharma has long conspired with the FDA to approve knowingly dangerous (and deadly) drugs that are then marketed to the public through a process known as "disease mongering," in which drug companies scare up new health conditions in order to convince people they need to be medicated. maybe we don't suffer from joint dysfunctional hemotoma after all !!!...ain't that a kick in the head...
2 b continued
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
ThoughtsOnMartianConnection pt6

hmmm....seems like there's something left from The40DaysAnd40Nights, huh...the following is excerpted and condensed from the following link:
Did the Phoenix spacecraft find liquid water on Mars?
SPACEFLIGHT NOW Posted: March 8, 2009
Post-mission analysis of Phoenix Mars lander data is turning up strong new "smoking gun evidence" that the spacecraft discovered liquid water on the Red Planet. The data that Phoenix imaged and touched liquid water is a stunning discovery that directly relates to the potential for current or past life on Mars.
The discovery has historic implications far beyond the lander's earlier finding of hard-frozen water ice. That's because as far as science knows today, life can exist in the salty brine-like water found by Phoenix, but it can not form in hard-frozen water also found by Phoenix at its north polar landing site, where nighttime winter temperatures are routinely -100 degrees F.
In an equally important finding, the Phoenix team says the data collected indicate that such liquid water is not only at the landing site, but likely exists currently at many locations around Mars.
Scientists earlier believed all of the water carved features on Mars were created billions of years ago’ but many of those features did not fit with such old geology.
The lander data provides both thermodynamic and physical evidence for the widespread existence of current high salt content water on Mars, say the Phoenix investigators.
Based on multiple Phoenix and other Mars data sources, the science team says it is confident in saying "we hypothesize that liquid saline-water is [currently] common on Mars."
...and now if we can only find the launchpad of Noah's Mothership, err Ark...
2 b continued
Friday, March 6, 2009
ThoughtsOnRelationships pt2

the following is excerpted and condensed from today's news:
SEOUL (Reuters) – South Korea told the North on Friday to immediately withdraw a threat it made against the South's commercial airliners, which has forced them to stop flying near the airspace of the reclusive communist state. North Korea which is preparing to test its longest-range Taepodong-2 missile, said on Thursday it could not guarantee the safety of the South's commercial flights off the east coast of the peninsula, where the missile base is located.
North Korea linked its warning to joint U.S.-South Korean military drills, which start on Monday and have been held for years without major incident. The prickly North regularly criticizes them as a prelude to invasion and war. North Korea on Friday repeated it was preparing to launch a satellite as part of its peaceful space program.
South Korean officials said they saw no difference between a satellite and missile launch because they use the same technology and the same rocket. The North is barred from test-firing its ballistic missiles under United Nations sanctions.
The head of the North's delegation said the planned satellite launch was "an entirely just measure for self-defense," according to a report by the North's KCNA news agency.
"He strongly warned the U.S. forces side that as long as it does not cancel the DPRK-targeted war exercises, the KPA will take strong countermeasures to cope with the policy taken by the new U.S. administration," KCNA said.
"He strongly warned the U.S. forces side that as long as it does not cancel the DPRK-targeted war exercises, the KPA will take strong countermeasures to cope with the policy taken by the new U.S. administration," KCNA said.
and here be the subtle kicker:
The two Koreas are technically still at war and station about 1 million troops near their respective sides of the Demilitarised Zone that has divided the peninsula since the 1950-53 Korean War ended in a ceasefire, but not a peace treaty.
so i guess its just a MatterOfTime before......
2 b continued
Thursday, March 5, 2009
ThoughtsOnTheIgnorant pt2

well it seems that TheChildren are out to play again!...this seems to have appeared outside/inside a Barnes&Nobles bookstore in Florida...while i 1st thought it 2 b a retouched photo, it appears that the bookstore acknowledged the incident and is looking into it...but aren't we ALL descendents of monkeys...i mean i saw PlanetOfTheApes and i didn't see too many "niggaz" runnin' around on screen ...put it this way if there had been a book with a basketball on the cover in place of the monkey book or a book all about sneakers on the front cover or a book with fried chicken receipes on the cover or...c'mon don't we ALL eat fried chicken, play basketball, wear sneakers or maybe a book on how to grow watermelon on the cover..umm don't we ALL eat watermelon...where- will- it- end...ummm the spokesperson/icon for KFC is a whiteman...ummm the logo for the NBA is a silohuette of a whiteman[jerry west]...ummm the person(s) most reknown for linking monkees/chimpanzees to HUMANS were whitemen[dr.leakey/charles darwin]...deep breath people...WORD
2 b continued
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
ThoughtsOnMartianConnection pt5

hmmm...seems like once again there may be signs of reported by MuseumOfNaturalHistory personnel, Neil deGrasse Tyson, on TheTonightShow about a week ago, there seems to be methane gas oozing from the depths of Mars...significant in that methane is a by-product of living organisms [ at least here on Earth, anyways ] and soooo if living organisms produce it here then maaaybeee living organisms are producing it there...hmmm let's see where this 1 leads 2 shall we...
2 b continued

it was recently brought to my attention that some say Chris Brown and others of his generation aren't inspiring others in a realm outside of point being they are ALL entertainers there to entertain...period...spiritual leaders lead spirits...teachers teach....entertainers entertain...singers sing...musicians play instruments....singers/musicians inspire to sing and play instruments...spiritual leaders inspire souls...teachers inspire knowledge...parents are the only Hybrid in this equation as they should Charles Barkley so succintly put it "i'm not a role model, i'm a basketball player..parents are supposed to be the role models"...EWF, Santana were musicians 1st..became inspired by spiritual leaders 2nd...inspired others spiritually afterwards thru transcended music...and to be judge for not fulfilling criteria outside of your job unfair to say the least( my favorite comeback line is: "that's not in my job description") thing is that unfortunately we want people to fill a void with HigherExpectations...a entertainer is supposed to do more than just entertain...a professional ballplayer is supposed to do more than just play are supposed to do more than they leaders are supposed to do more than they do...parents are supposed to do more than they do...these are the realms in which HigherExpectations are warranted...[in my opinion]
2 b continued
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

as i sit here... listening.... i see all that's come around and i think to myself...what have i got myself into..its just creative writing to me...maybe with some stuff floating onto this content...its just thoughts...and thoughts are the seed of every plantation be it the "wheel" thought, be it the "fire" thought...its all from within.... that clambered out...and that is the greatest experience that we have..we are the enablers if you will because we can think from within and materialize that which can not be duplicated(well, it can)....we think it ...therefore it presents literally(?) terms we personify ourselves...and so in this rambling on...suffice it to say that of all the cliche statements that the ad agencies have had there is none more profound than "a mind is a terrible thing to waste", for where else do we get "those wonderful toys"[a Batman Movie quote]...just "rambling on"...geez wasn't that [a LedZepplin song]...
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