hmmm....H.R.40 has come to proposal(see right column of blog under: ThoughtsOnThis)....in a time of Accountability being the in word along with Transparency let us see how far AmericaTheBeautiful is willing to go in making peace with her past....is the election of the 44th truly a beginning or is it a "enough is enough already" mentality...i mean TheJewishCommunity has had no problem with Accountability when it came to TheHolocaustIssue...TheFemaleCommunity had no problem with Accountability when it came to TheSufferageIssue...so shall TheAfricanAmericanCommunity have a problem with Accountability when it comes to TheSlaveryIssue...i mean after all it is time for a Change...i believe that is also one of the in words...so when it comes to in words will the new in word be Reparations....will be quite an expensive in word...in a time when money seems to be making things right...will this be a time to pay up for the past....or is it a figurative rather than a literal in word this word...Reparations...and just how will AmericaTheBeautiful see fit to pay up...and in this country of Yay or Nay just who will be the NaySayers...for don't forget this new in word...Reparations...will be applied to the old 'n' word only...exclusively...and we know what emotions exclusivity tends to bring out in people nowadays with all this bailout talk....but let's not forget who used to bailout those bales of cotton years ago...oh but that was when SlaveLabor was the in word for the 'n' word...hmmm...but seriously tho' it will be interesting to see how H.R.40 will be taken...maybe with a grain of salt or with a reality that should have happened a long, long time ago...Accountability...or is it another case of Transparency...oh by the way, is it just me or did they stop short of proposing H.R.40AcresAndA Mule???...hmmm...and oh yeah before we get too caught up look closely at the title of H.R.40...it is a commission to study the proposal of a act[that's not quite yet a bill, that's not quite yet a law]...can't get no more Transparent than that, huh...hmmmm
2 b continued
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