another empty your cup moment...now we know about Man & TheMissingLink...we know about TheCreationTheory...we know about TheEvolutionTheory...hmmm how about TheSimilarityTheory...pen this let's VennDiagram 4 a moment...u remember TheVennDiagram from elementary school right: sets, unions, intersecting sets, etc...ok then...we know about the ApeConnection&Man[missinglink#1]...we may or maynot have heard about the AlienFeatures(facially)&TheAsianConnection with their [eerie] knowledge of things like Accupuncture/Accupressure[shiatsu] chi/ki etc...& AlienAbductionStories of "needle probing" and the like[missinglink#2]...and let's not 4get CaucasianMan&TheMarsAffinity[missinglink#3]...well let's add another to this "CelestialBrewOfMissingLinks/Similarities" of Humandom shall i...what other earthly creature do we seem to have an affinity to...of the Bipeds we share PlanetEarth with who do we "share a commonality with"...hmmm let's see...what other species can mimic us as we have them...what other species do we in our ages of history with pen and paper and sculpture and hieroglyphics and whathaveyou shared with...hmmm...from Dragons 2 Gargoyles 2 sphinx 2 angels 2 F15's 2 SpaceShuttles what other species have we thruout existence seemed 2 have sided with far more than any PlanetOfTheApes...ahh yes Alfred...TheBirds...hmmm...only other species i know that can walk the walk AND talk the talk[missinglink#4]...just sum food 4 thought..."Polly want a cracker?"...paging Dr.Dolittle...
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