there are those among us who are TheRoadWarriors who ride thru TheDepths and DoTheDeed...there are those among us who are TheObjectives of TheRoadWarriors...there are those among us who observe...not just watch but observe...not from the distance but along TheFineLine that seperates TheYin&Yang...that realm of ChoaticOrder where TheWatcher sees that line as a barrier between TheTwo TheObserver realizes that line encompasses TheChaoticOrder of TheTwo...some may say it is the realm of TheGateKeeper...it may be so...but it is the realm of ThePointOfNoReturn...once crossed it is either Yin or Yang...and only the FineLine knows the dimensions of TheTwo..some call it TheGreyArea....but whatever TheLabel...there are those among us who have their place within this GrandScheme...be it TheRoadWarriors...TheObjectives...TheWatchers...TheObservers...TheGateKeepers...be it Yin or be it Yang or be it along the dimensions of TheTwo....
2 b continued
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