in light of the recent DOJ memo disclosures and the currently running episode of 24 dramatizes, there appears to be a ParallelOccurance and quite a coincidence it is...in a time of UnconventionalWarfare and Laws pertaining to ConventionalWisedom/Warfare there appears a Catch22 chasm opening...in an Arena where Terrorism reigns supreme there lies within a NatureOfTheBeast, if you will, that crosses into territory known as "GreyArea"...now while not proclaiming to be an expert in such matters, as an observer of LifeOnTheThirdRock...there seems to be a Tao, a CodeOfConduct that is...Unconventional...Abnormal...and within this realm lies RulesOfEngagment that are...Unconventional...Abnormal...and as the old saying goes "when in Rome do as the Romans do"..with that said it is by TheNatureOfTheBeast that the Tao, the CodeOfConduct must be, has to be, by the very Nature of TheArena that is Terrorism...Unconventional...Abnormal...beyond the "bandwidth" of PoliticalCorrectness...as ArtImitatesLife with the current episodes of 24 one can see the "dramatization" of Convention trying to deal with the Unconventional and when JackBauer crosses the FineLine of TheGreyArea to produce TheTruth and PoliticalCorrectness shudders&shakes[the images of the blindfolded lady holding the scales of "justice" wreaking with havoc right about now!] one can almost see clearly the enigma wrapped in a...rising to the top and TheFineLineBetween becomes oh so more the chaotic...but as philosophers of the past like my man LaoTzu would say..it is what it is..nothin more..nothin less and those who must tread these waters must be given their Tao and let "the deed be done"...for let us not FORGET that terrorist CHOOSE to do what they do...and the rules of engagement in this unconventional war is as SunTzu[and maybe JackBauer] would say: "It is only one who is thoroughly acquainted with the evils of war that can thoroughly understand the profitable way of carrying it on."...and maybe the DOJ memos address the UnconventionalFineLine of TheGreyArea that this UnconventionalWar has bestowed upon us...and as another old saying goes: "Necessity is the Mother of Invention"..so shall we see....hmmm..."the following takes place between ThePresent and TheFuture"[24]
2 b continued
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