hmmm...SwineFlu...what would one expect if you allow an animal to live as it does...and you actually plan on handling by-products of that animal...what the f*ck do you expect to grow in such an environment...ummm...old saying about laying down with dogs and getting fleas...ummm...SwineFlu is about as asinine as LungCancer from tobacco...ummm...wouldn't one expect to get dirty playin in dirt?...ummm...you got a high flame goin there chief fryin them hamburgers in that IronSkillet don't go grabbin the f*kin handle with your barehands there Genius...ummm...SwineFlu exist because of the conditions that exist....ummm...LungCancer exist because of conditions that exist....ummm...there are certain things we j-u-s-t d-o n-o-t n-e-e-d...we may want...but d-o n-o-t n-e-e-d...ummm...there just somethin' about the word swine...u may want it...but do ya really need it...have u ever read the ingredients of Park's Scrapple...do they even make that sh*t anymore?.."More Park's Sausages Mom, please?"...pleeze...well as the old saying goes: "if pigs had wings....".....hmmm...... it'd be a PandemicFlu..."and the meek shall inherit the earth"...hmmm....
2 b continued
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