
Tuesday, September 30, 2008


well now...Trees make Oxygen for Man who gives CO2 to Trees...Man makes paper and uses it to make Money[currency]...Money is used to make Man move the Trees out of the AmazonRainForest destabilizing the Oxygen so Man can spend more Money on things that raises the CO2 that Man gives to the Trees so Man can cut down the Trees to build houses that keep sliding down because there's not enough Earth to hold the water[ partly because of the roots of the Trees] that's pouring down because things are melting to a point thru evaporation[aka GlobalWarming/ClimateChange]...what goes up must come down...due to the CO2 that Man is giving to the Trees because of the PaperMoney that Man has a "love" know the root of all...that comes from the Trees that we get our Oxygen from because we give them our CO2....howevah...we keep giving CO2 and exactly how many Trees are left to give back the Oxygen?...and exactly what is the ExchangeRate these days...hmmm...i wonder what the Buyout will be for this debacle...hmmm...and exactly where on this chain of food are we linked to...seems like someone is becoming slightly expendable right about now....[i think i want to watch The Happening again and again and again and...]
to be continued...

Thursday, September 25, 2008


there's a scripture written...and fondly's "money is the root of all evil"...actual writing is "For the love of money is the root of all sorts of evil"[1 timothy 6:10..for your edification] suffice it to say that the current WallStreet situ would be the epitomy of said what better place to put 1 of my poetic scriptures entitiled:

"thoughts from a simplemind pt.2"

Wonder what would happen
One morning the PowersThatBe
Erased the MoneyTree
No more gold
No more currency
No more loose change
Hmm strange
Would we still rise at the crack of dawn
To do
What we do….for a living
Would there still be..."a price for everything"
Would..."the best things in life be free"
Wonder how life would be
One morning the PowersThatBe
Erased the MoneyTree.

Friday, September 19, 2008

ThoughtsOnCuriosity pt.2

well,well,well what have we here...TheHadronCollider has malfunctioned...but the most interesting thing is that it was not reported until AssociatedPress asked questions about 1st mentioned in ThoughtsOnCuriosity,the SlipAndFall factor is starting...mulligans are being asked for...people need to start BringingTheNoise...3 strikes and you're out...well...strike 1 mutherf**kahs

Thursday, September 18, 2008

ThoughtsOnAccountability pt.3

in a Country where there are thousands of citizens that are homeless...where there are hundreds of citizens who are losing their homes to banks...where citizens got a stimulus check for $300...where TheGovernment says It has to cut money from citizens and raise taxes on It's citizens to find money for It's citizens...It spends over $800Billlion on one company because it couldn't handle its money...hmmm...what the f**k is up with that?!?!?

Saturday, September 13, 2008

ThoughtsOnCelebrations pt.2

oh and let us not forget...let us remember...that September11 was not the 1st attack that this government slept at the wheel concerning the WorldTradeCenter..we do remember that a truck was allowed to be parked under the WorldTradeCenter and explode..eerily like in the movie ArlingtonRoad...leaving a crater and not succeeding in bringing down the house...eerily similar to the OklahomaCity bombing...and so what did not succeed from below was allowed to succeed from above? and you mean to tell me there were no LessonsLearned[maybe on how not to f**k it up the next time!?!..hmmm or maybe it was a trial run...hmmm]...eerie indeed...let us not forget...let us remember that September11 is nothing to celebrate a f**kin thing about...for it was indeed a day of Clusterf**k personified...and by the way has anyone really watched ArlingtonRoad ? or how about know...movies about divergences or know TheUsualSuspects....hmmm...SmokeSrceens101 is in session...keep the Visine handy cause the vision will get blurry[by the way slide that bottle[Visine] next to a BlackLight and see what glows]...hmmm
to be continued


well now they've done it...the subliminal FineLine has been drawn in the the sand...the 2 most major issues in this country will now stand toe to toe and put up their dickbeaters...the 'OleBoyNetwork'[OBN] has finally tuned in the right am i talking about???...the AllMaleClub will once again have an opening in November and the PowersThatBe have seen fit to finally let the 2 biggest minority issues have at AfricanAmerican[aka Black]Man will be opposing a [White]Woman for Presidency of these UnitedStatesOfAmerica, oh yes i know that the WhiteWoman is 2nd in charge in this issue...but McCain says he'll only be serving 1 term...hmmm...but we really know the RealDeal here its going to be about the 2 classes of individuals that had to fight for the right to vote in these UnitedStatesOfAmerica and the PowersThatBe knew that the only polarizing effect to the one issue was to bring forth the other issue...and now the SmokeScreen has been set...for now that the AfricanAmerican did not truly tip the balance of Power by accepting a Woman as running mate[and did we not hear the CollectiveSigh of Relief from the OBN] it was only fitting[and last, only resort] that the WomanOption be played...for we also know that Qualification notwithstanding it was the only option because Qualification was definitely a now the PopularVote will come to play and the SmokeScreen will pervail and permeate and what would have been a NoBrainer will become tightly contested not on intellect but emotion[ "ohh MaGoo youu've done it again"] and it will boil down to the Ominous ElectoralCollege to pronounce Victory...yes the OBN will be the Network to watch this fall...and the Drama will only be the tip of the iceberg on this channel...hmmm

to be continued

Thursday, September 11, 2008


let me see if i get this Anniversary commerates something that is in essence positive something to break out the Champagne and get jiggy with it...for instance a WeddingAnniversary[for the most part.. a positive thing]...whereby a Memorial commerates...something to be remembered...that is a bit more somber something that breaks out the hankies to wipe the tears...for instance MemorialDay[ for the most part remembering the veterans that gave their lives for the greater cause] why is it that on September 11 it is considered an Anniversary?...i'm not breaking out any f**king thing to get jiggy about a Government that was asleep at the wheel...about a Government who insists on sending our troops AWAY from home to defend our freedom and couldn't defend our own shores from attack...oh no there's nothing Anniversary about September is indeed a day of remember how the Government forgot how to defend our freedom...again


A person's name can be equated to being their identity...and in a time of identity theft something with a person's name on it that is used to make money and that person is not making money on it should be...could be...identified as IdentityTheft... as long as its their what's the point?...well in a time of AthleticWearCompanies are making a profit on things like sports jerseys college atheletes could be...should be...also making a percentage on the merchandise...yes alot are getting scholarships to play...but this is America...the Democracy that is also Capitalism...and why should free enterprise be free in regards to collegiate atheletes who are making more money for Institutions than their scholarships are affording them...why not throw a percentage their way that could be put into bank accounts for them and the rest could go into their pockets to help them through the financial crunchs that they have to endure...while in the meantime TheColleges, TheTelevisionNetworks and TheSportsCompanies are raking in The Dough...on these collegiates..Identity...hmmm

to be continued