
Sunday, August 26, 2012


...well...well...well what do we have here AGAIN....another case of SeanBell aka police NOT knowing HOW 2 distribute LethalForce in a PublicArena...where iz da CQCTraining!!!...another case of police shooting at police....this stuff was covered in NakedGun a season of gunViolenceUpTheAssNnewyorkcity....enufff iz ENUFFF....did they NOT get it when they shot a knife-wielding man NUMEROUS tymes when HIS hands were ABOVE his head...but nooo!!!! MUST continue until NOW you have NYPD ROOKIEs runnin around shootin at GODKNOWSWHAT!!!!...ooh,..collateralDamage it must b training iz what its called....who iz exacatly in "HARM'S WAY"....and the motto iz supposed to b.....NewYork'sFinest !!!!!  shit iz beginning to look like TheKeystoneCops!!!!!....and n the ol military mantra 'i Ain'T afraid of the bullet with MY name on it--it's the one that says "TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN" '.....RayKelly in his arrogance should b reminded of the line in HuntForRedOctober when the torpedo came homing in on the Soviets OWN sub:"You ArrogantAss you just shot US!!!!"

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

ThoughtsOnInconvenientTruths it seems that thru the seams of evidence thatz BEEN knock-knock on da door 4 a LOOOOng tyme now...that maybe..just maybe ManTheMammal has been upsetting TheApplecart afterall...whoknew...ummm...maybe those that paid attention 2 EarthScience101 manymoons ago and Hi! AlGore howRya bytheway yeah about that InconvienientTruth, theAroma that MIGHT b waken sum people up...but hey not 2 worry caz MotherNature aint finished yet....yepyep definitley2Bcontinued.............

Friday, March 16, 2012


was watching ESPN 2day, saw an ad about a baseball video game and got this thought:
...of all the energies that go into setting a motion forward without thinking so that when that motion is set forth and can't be retracted and the end result, on hindsight, wished was number me...has to be TheCatch made by SteveBartman at TheChicagoCubs baseball game...all that was set forth AFTER that because of that for the one individual responsible say the to say maybe the owner of TheCow that kicked over the lantern in TheBarn that set the blaze that burned down nearly ALL of Chicago...or maybe...........
