
Wednesday, April 30, 2008


In the Western Hemisphere we have the tendency to zip thru life but here's a StopToSmellTheRoses moment...there are only 7 notes in western music but look at the volumes of music that has been the alphabet there are only 26 letters but look at the volumes of books produced...and while this may seem to be a " no sh** Sherlock" observation it lends to the fact that the most complex stems from the most simple and solutions to things like GlobalWarming will only become when we have that StopToSmellTheRoses moment.

Monday, April 28, 2008


Is it just me or is there something about the CigaretteIndustry and its abililty to exist in spite of...PhilipMorris has had an advertisement out stating that it has a website dedicated to helping people to quit smoking...What the F**k is up with industry entity is saying that it will help people with a product that it is producing that it willing knows is harmful, hell, is deadly, is killing people and the government is allowing this industry to exist, to put up a website that blatanly acknowledges that its product is killing people and that while concurrently producing this product it will help people who are dying from this product...What the F**k is up with that???...There's no way you can tell me there's nothing wrong with this picture...or is there let's see, its taxable...that's good for business...its creating all sorts of illness', more medical facilities to practice on people, more pharmeceutical companies to pump out medicines...that's good for business...people keep dying at a good rate, population control is in check...that's good for busi---What the F**k is up with it a coincedence that the 3 biggest killers of human life are controlled/regulated by 1 federal organization...AlcoholTobaccoFirearms...ATF...hmm...AllThoseFunds...that's good for business...What the F**k is up with that?
to be continued...

Dinosaurs must be rolling over in their graves!

so the price of global warming has gone up to $120/barrel...what a shame

an email sent to GAO around June 2007...never responded to.

I have just read June 2007 Consumer Report(C.R.) article on nanotechnology entitled 'NANOtechnology-Untold promise, unknown risk' (pg40-45). The article is a sort of pros/cons expose on the emerging technology. My reason for this email is my concerns about the "unknown risk" of this promising technology. In particular, the lack of rigid government oversight-if you will- in guidelining a set of standards that are consumer/enviornment-conscious. The article states, among other things, that in the area of nanoingredients, "manufacturers seldom label products" indicating their presence. The article points out that the FDA in particular seems to be lagging in its oversight and regulartory capacity in regards to nanoingredients in products "that go directly onto or into the body". That in fact, the 2007 Government budget request for nanotech research included "nothing for the FDA". Space does not allow me to further detail the article (hopefully it will be read by the GAO powers that be) but suffice it to say that the paramount issue is Safety, first and foremost. Ironically in my search of your website, keyword nanotechnology led me to GAO-07-467SP. On page 16 of that report under 'Innovation and Change Management' were 2 chilling statements. One, that "attention to incentives" to the private sector is one of the importances of research and development. Two, that "rewards are going to those who can most quickly transform new ideas into useful technologies and other tools.". Which is what makes the C.R. article that much more timely because there seems to be little in the way, proportionately speaking, of risk/safety research, assessment, and regulation funding. Especially for those agencies like FDA, NIOSH, EPA, and Consumer Product Safety Commission. In light of technology's past histories with Nuclear energy and its radioactive waste, Fossil fuels and Global Warming, asbestos,etc,etc, I implore GAO, with its creed 'Accountability, Integrity, Reliability', to make those involved in this promising technology Accountable with having taken ALL the necessary risk assessments and research. As J.Clarence Davies, co-creator of EPA, is quoted in the C.R. article after being asked to analyze the sufficiency of current laws pertaining to risk management of nanotechnology, "Once nanotechnology materials get into the enviornment, it is probably too late for remedial measures." Let Not Hindsight Be 20/20.


Let me start by saying let’s empty that cup. We all at times walk around with our cups overflowing with misconcepts, preconcepts, instilled and installed info. This requires an open mind…an empty cup. Man has always had an inborn affinity with many things, things which come “by nature”. One of these affinities is the connection with the planet Mars. Always Martian this, Martian that. Maybe because man’s origin IS the red planet Mars. As science has ‘discovered’ that Mars was very Earthlike maybe the ‘travel’ of ‘Noah’s Ark’ was in fact a fleeing from Mars to Earth. Maybe the cataclysmic tale of ‘40 days and 40 nights’ was something much more…just watered down in its telling. Science “fiction” has always been fascinated with invasions from Mars and the like. No other planet of the nine has gotten so much ‘attention’ as Mars…even before the scientific advances of today. In Hollywood, movies have abound with Martian tales, even Orson Wells managed to invoke mass hysteria with a radio broadcast : “War of the Worlds”. There has always prevailed throughout the existence of the human population here on Earth a notion of extraterrestrialism. For a planet to have had creatures to exist such as the dinosaurs that mysteriously became extinct just before the ’missing link’ appearance of humans is to say at the least…interesting. And to say how a being could evolve from caveman to astronaut is, well…interesting. And how exactly did a whole planet like Mars come from signs of having water as evidenced by polar ice caps and canyons similar to the Grand Canyon here on Earth to a red desolate planet…global warming perhaps? Could the same humankind that is dessimating the global climate here on Earth have similarly wreaked havoc on Mars and had advanced to the point technologically as to have developed ‘Noah’s Ark’ to seek refuge on a neighboring planet? And if as the Bible infers about 'Noah's Ark' (housing 2 of each creature on 'earth' [not necessarily literal Earth]) then instead of it being a ark/boat it was more equatable to a Mothership. If man can have developed technologically here on Earth why not there on Mars? Always Martian this and Martian that. A coincidence or an instinct of the past? And exactly what hidden manuscripts of ’the past’ are being so closely guarded and kept secret deep in the vaults of Vatican City? And where is all this knowledge illuminating from at Groom Lake? hmmm...
To be continued…

ThoughtsOnGentrification: TheHarlemWarZone : An OperationOtherThanWar

It does not surprise me that the “present day” condition of Harlem exists. It was a 3step “OperationOtherThanWar" that was implemented upon TheHarlemZone by ‘the powers that be’ that encompassed 1)EconomicWarfare, 2) EducationWarfare, and 3) ChemicalWarfare phases of which ran consecutively as well as concurrently. EconmicWarfare was implemented upon the, then demographic population, by means of allowing any then AfricanAmerican businesses to become unable to continue to exist by means of a strategy that made it an inability to serve TheHarlemZone. EducationWarfare was implemented by the closing of schools in strategic areas of the HarlemZone whereby the demographic population had to seek educational means outside of its zone. ChemicalWarfare was introduced to make “mental complacency” a viable means to pacify the then demographic population making a unwilling objection to the means that was introducing itself upon TheHarlemZone. The EconomicWarfare led to a retreat of the substantial voting opposition to migrate out of TheHarlemZone thus leaving no viable political opposition to ‘the plan’ by means of a viable voting constituent. The ChemicalWarfare of TheHarlemZone made also a means to infiltrate upon the occupants of the zone a method of suppressing an active “voice” and hence any semblance of an awareness of the actions that were being implemented in this “operation other than war” upon TheHarlemZone. By targeting in effect the then present future demographic population of TheHarlemZone this led again to no future political opposition to ‘the plan‘. In conjunction with no economic empowerment within TheHarlemZone and the lack of educational training of the Harlem demographic population there was now an area that was now set to become in essence Gentrified. With the then present demographic population having no viable means to educate its present future population within its own geographic boundaries, a means was set in place for this demographic population to migrate away from TheHarlemZone thus taking away the then economic structure, leaving TheHarlemZone vacant of any economic structure of meaningful proportion. With the concurrent infusion of ChemicalWarfare there was a complacency that led to no succession to fill the economic empowerment void. This in turn led to a ineffective political constituent to in effect raise any opposition to ‘the plan‘. Any political means was now held by default in a contributory negligent state by itself being ineffective as a result of the means efforting itself by ‘the plan‘. The EducationWarfare furthered itself by means of complacency by implementing the “equivalency diploma” initiative which allowed further denegration of effective means of opposing ‘the plan’ by deteriorating the level of education by diminishing the adequate time necessary to achieve effective mental preparation to disseminate and deal with ‘the plan‘. The effective time of 4 years of HighSchool training [in addition to the 8 years of PrimarySchool training totaling 12 years of mental preparedness] of the mental state was reduced to 6 months to 1 year of equivalent training [now in effect totaling 8.5 to 9 years of mental preparedness] thus giving an inferior result of the educational process to TheHarlemZone. With the ChemicalWarfare phase in effect, in part thru the paramilitary PoliceForce’s NonAction in allowing the sale and distribution of ChemicalWarfare within the boundaries of TheHarlemZone , the demographic population was now in its effective mental state in conjunction with the EconomicWarfare and EducationWarfare, to be established as now a PacifiedPopulation in which the GentrificationPhase of ‘the plan’ could now be placed in effect. There were areas left vacant within TheHarlemWarZone over a 30 year timespan due to the 3-tier OperationOtherThanWar that became ripe for the picking under the GentrificationPhase of 'the plan'. With the political representation being held in its contributory negligent state by way of NonAction as a result of the means of ‘the plan‘, the “present day” state of TheHarlemZone has become a successful OperationOtherThanWar : PacifiedPopulation. Any attempt in the present day to address, reverse or rectify the affects of ‘the plan’ have been made to be in essence ineffective , in a word : moot…the Pacification and Gentrification of TheHarlemZone thru Education, Economic, and ChemicalWarfare is complete. Unfortunately all that is left is the LessonsLearned phase of this OperationOtherThanWar. Any attempt to undo the “pacification” of TheHarlemWarZone will have to be achieved by a plan of equal dimensions and preparations. Truly a plan of epic proportions.
To be continued.


Are you kiddin me!?...there is no justification for the amount of rounds that were discharged by those many bullets were being shot at them!...all the shooting was being done by the police officers!!! what the hell were they shooting at....each other?...where was the officer in charge!?! a ex-military man, there is protocol in fire-zone an ex-military man who understands that the NYPD is a paramilitary organization there's no way under God's green earth you can tell me that rules of engagement were followed here, it was a clusterf**k of adrenaline rush trigger-happy incompetence...prosecution did a piss poor job prosecuting...jurors did a piss poor job rendering a just verdict...judge did a piss poor job of rendering justice...50 [mutherf***n] shots fired and not 1..ONE recieved in YOUR direction...[mutherf****rs] were shootin at each other!...what the hell!...where was the procedural doctrine followed here....there has to be an investigation done on the procedures and training of NYC police officers and the discharging of "deadly force" upon the citizens of NYC well as the handling of the prosecution of the officers in this matter....where was the command and control of the situation and the accountability factor in this terms of chain of command at the scene...there was a situation that was allowed to prevail whereby officers were responding to shots being fired among themselves. their code of conduct was inexscusable and showed to put it mildly ...poor judgement and that alone warrants an investigation ..the officers were responding to shots themselves and that alone speaks of incompetence and you cannot tell me that "upper brass" doesn't know is what it is...50 shots outgoing...0 shots incoming...its a QualityControl issue...JudicalSystem did not QC itself...Judge should be held accountable...PoliceAdministration should be held accountable...People should be held accountable for NonAction for not addressing this issue[it has reoccured too many times]... UrbanRadioStations should be held accountable for not voicing/advocating for the issue of QC within PoliceAdmininistration...all AfricanAmerican politicians should be held accountable for not bringing heat to QC issue of NYPD Malcolm X said "Make it plain": the score is 50-0..the NYPD was reacting to its own gunfire..pisspoor job of administring their sworn duties...pisspoor training in the administration of deadly force...pisspoor public outcry of pisspoor QualityControl of NYPD's contributory negligence in handling their authority and training of inadequate personnel and procedural doctrine...pisspoor job of the JudicialSystem of allowing these situations to continue and in allowing them to continue and who itself is guilty of contributory negligent behavior by nature of their action/ is what it is and its a[ f**kin] shame..people who belong to political organizations that have access to the powers that be need to access the powers that be and demand recourse to this systemic problem...voices need to be raised and heard...especially those of AfricanAmerican and CherokeeIndian bloodline [as i am] heritage for who else would have a better understanding of the history[Slavery/Trail of Tears] of the systemic problems that are at the root of this recent occurence...time to "Make it Plain"....oh...and let us add to the list of accountability the churches and their leaders who are not addressing the moral issue of this recent occurance of JudicalSystem NonAction[who beat the mighty holy pulpit but at the same time enact "separation of church and state"]...and TheMedia[print and electronic] for not upholding their journalistic responsibility of exposing the cause and effect of JudicialSystem NonAction...and what about the creed of holding truths to be self evident that all men are created equal blah blah blah[inferring, on my part, the implying of equal treatment within the JudicalSystem]...or is it as GeorgeOrwell wrote in his book 'AnimalFarm' that all men are created equal, just that some are more equal than others?....and this is not a "race card" is an issue of individual civilians in occupations not upholding the integrity of their occupations...this is about civilians within the JudicialSystem [which includes PoliceForce and CourtSystem] who are not held accountable for upholding their sworn civic duties with integrity and wisedom...this is about incompetent civilians wearing a badge and a gun...this is about inept civilians giusing themselves as prosecutors...this is about civilians as jurors who haven't a clue about common sense...this is about civilians customed in black robes literally and figuratively reflecting the symbol of blind justice that adorns the courtrooms...whats up people?...exactly which channel is this revolution televised?