
Monday, March 14, 2011


it seems now that TheMind of Man is rethinking what should have been thought about long ago, in that his quest for energy sources are right smack in front of him...talking know Wind, Solar, Water...Tesla[the human mind a natural source of energy....that ole BrainPower]...yeah history showed with 3MileIsland and Chernobyl and TheChinaSyndromeMovie and TheSilkwoodMovie that NuClearEnergy aint Clear at way...with the RadioActiveWaste that it leaves behind...and now we see AGAIN the foibles this Industry has with its now inability to have its rods cooled in the lack of another industry's[electrical] power supply hampered due to TheEarthquake in Japan...and we have to sit on Pins&Needles to see what brews here...i mean where was TheForeSight that said "how will we cool nuclear rods in the event of a ELECTRICAL power outage...DUH!!!...WTF yo!!NuclearEnergy STILL needed ElectricalEnergy to coexist and now we wonder what will brew in this Cauldron Of Clusterfuck...and we are WHERE on the FoodChain???...hmmm
