
Monday, April 28, 2008

ThoughtsOnGentrification: TheHarlemWarZone : An OperationOtherThanWar

It does not surprise me that the “present day” condition of Harlem exists. It was a 3step “OperationOtherThanWar" that was implemented upon TheHarlemZone by ‘the powers that be’ that encompassed 1)EconomicWarfare, 2) EducationWarfare, and 3) ChemicalWarfare phases of which ran consecutively as well as concurrently. EconmicWarfare was implemented upon the, then demographic population, by means of allowing any then AfricanAmerican businesses to become unable to continue to exist by means of a strategy that made it an inability to serve TheHarlemZone. EducationWarfare was implemented by the closing of schools in strategic areas of the HarlemZone whereby the demographic population had to seek educational means outside of its zone. ChemicalWarfare was introduced to make “mental complacency” a viable means to pacify the then demographic population making a unwilling objection to the means that was introducing itself upon TheHarlemZone. The EconomicWarfare led to a retreat of the substantial voting opposition to migrate out of TheHarlemZone thus leaving no viable political opposition to ‘the plan’ by means of a viable voting constituent. The ChemicalWarfare of TheHarlemZone made also a means to infiltrate upon the occupants of the zone a method of suppressing an active “voice” and hence any semblance of an awareness of the actions that were being implemented in this “operation other than war” upon TheHarlemZone. By targeting in effect the then present future demographic population of TheHarlemZone this led again to no future political opposition to ‘the plan‘. In conjunction with no economic empowerment within TheHarlemZone and the lack of educational training of the Harlem demographic population there was now an area that was now set to become in essence Gentrified. With the then present demographic population having no viable means to educate its present future population within its own geographic boundaries, a means was set in place for this demographic population to migrate away from TheHarlemZone thus taking away the then economic structure, leaving TheHarlemZone vacant of any economic structure of meaningful proportion. With the concurrent infusion of ChemicalWarfare there was a complacency that led to no succession to fill the economic empowerment void. This in turn led to a ineffective political constituent to in effect raise any opposition to ‘the plan‘. Any political means was now held by default in a contributory negligent state by itself being ineffective as a result of the means efforting itself by ‘the plan‘. The EducationWarfare furthered itself by means of complacency by implementing the “equivalency diploma” initiative which allowed further denegration of effective means of opposing ‘the plan’ by deteriorating the level of education by diminishing the adequate time necessary to achieve effective mental preparation to disseminate and deal with ‘the plan‘. The effective time of 4 years of HighSchool training [in addition to the 8 years of PrimarySchool training totaling 12 years of mental preparedness] of the mental state was reduced to 6 months to 1 year of equivalent training [now in effect totaling 8.5 to 9 years of mental preparedness] thus giving an inferior result of the educational process to TheHarlemZone. With the ChemicalWarfare phase in effect, in part thru the paramilitary PoliceForce’s NonAction in allowing the sale and distribution of ChemicalWarfare within the boundaries of TheHarlemZone , the demographic population was now in its effective mental state in conjunction with the EconomicWarfare and EducationWarfare, to be established as now a PacifiedPopulation in which the GentrificationPhase of ‘the plan’ could now be placed in effect. There were areas left vacant within TheHarlemWarZone over a 30 year timespan due to the 3-tier OperationOtherThanWar that became ripe for the picking under the GentrificationPhase of 'the plan'. With the political representation being held in its contributory negligent state by way of NonAction as a result of the means of ‘the plan‘, the “present day” state of TheHarlemZone has become a successful OperationOtherThanWar : PacifiedPopulation. Any attempt in the present day to address, reverse or rectify the affects of ‘the plan’ have been made to be in essence ineffective , in a word : moot…the Pacification and Gentrification of TheHarlemZone thru Education, Economic, and ChemicalWarfare is complete. Unfortunately all that is left is the LessonsLearned phase of this OperationOtherThanWar. Any attempt to undo the “pacification” of TheHarlemWarZone will have to be achieved by a plan of equal dimensions and preparations. Truly a plan of epic proportions.
To be continued.

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