
Friday, June 13, 2008


In a Country where there's talk by TheGovernment of Taliban and terrorism...of Iraq and government overthrow and NuclearAgenda...of Iran and NuclearAgenda...of NorthKorea and NuclearAgenda...of ImpliedThreats to Oil...there's been ActionJackson, JimDandy to the rescue[go JimDandy go]...there's been hundreds of Sons and Daughters and Brothers and Sisters and Husbands and Wives and Mothers and Fathers sent into HarmsWay to "protect the freedom of America, The United States of"...of Mottos such as "anytime, anyplace", "swift, silent and deadly", "De Oppreso Liber"....In a Country where there's talk by TheGovernment of Genocide in Darfur...there's been

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