on 12/21/2012 the MayanCalendar has forseen an alignment of the universe closeby that may spell Doomsday for TheThirdRock....hmmm...on 12/12/2012 a NEA[NearEarthAsteroid] named Toutatis is slated to approach a distance of 0.04633AU from Earth...the Moon is 0.0026AU from Earth[ an AU is the mean distance of Earth to Sun around 92,955,810miles]...hmmm...okay......
1) 2/10/09 NEA EE5 passed at 0.04536AU
2) 2/18/09 NEA AQ10 passed 0.01796AU
3) 5/17/09 NEA SG286 will pass 0.03081AU
3) 6/28/09 NEA FE90 will pass 0.01796AU
4) 9/17/09 NEA CO101 will pass 0.04581AU
5) 10/8/09 NEA CV26 will pass 0.02518AU
6) 11/22/09 VF32 will pass 0.04260AU
all without the MayanCalendar planetary alignment implications and whatnot...all without consequence...at least (1) & (2) anyways...
...well if that don't raise an eyebrow check this 1 out...on 4/13/2029 NEA Apophis is set to pass at a distance of 0.0002318AU from ole HomeSweetHome...mind you again the Moon is 0.0026AU from TheHood...think we might want to take life a little mo' seriously between 2009-2012..and a tad mo' between 2012-2029...but hey....we're still lookin for LifeOnMars[or more implictly] if life can be substained on Mars and TheMartianConnection.....
oh yeah, these NEA's are also catergorized as PHA's[PotentiallyHazardousAsteroids]...ever wonder what all that subterranean construction in the neighborhood recently is all about?????...hmmm
and what about that mysterious "star" named in TheBible [Rev8:11] called Wormwood...hmmm
2 b continued...maybe
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