so it seems that at the end of the LameDuckReign of GeeWBush that the hawks are flying again..1st in Mumbai with India and Pakistan dancing at the Commander'sBall, now in the MiddleEast Israel and Palistine want to take their turn on the BallroomFloor, where next pretell shall we have the LastDance before the ChosenOne steps into Office?....
2 b continued
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008

India and Pakistan might be the next stop for Dr.Strangelove...with the attacks upon Mumbai, curiously not the 1st, and the finger pointing one can only hold baited breath that the fingers don't point to "RedButton"...and while the missles may not have that far to travel...TheShockwave on the other hand will be Global...and right about now that's the last thing mankind needs to be feelin'.....
2 b continued
Thursday, November 20, 2008

so the capitalists have slipped and fell and now they want the democracy to cash them went and private-ventured yourself into this mess...soooo handle your own cause and effect my man...this is TheRisk you took for that capital gain and it has come to claim you so man up and handle your business and accept your consequence, cause who knows what bag of tricks were used to use and abuse anyway and as some circles would say you live by the $word, you die by the $word
Friday, November 7, 2008
ThoughtsOnDueProcess Pt.2

and so it appears that the movie TheDistinguishedGentleman is playing out in Illinois in so much as politics and special interest are concerned...a seat, by the way linked to America's 1st true political pioneer, in Congress is up 4 $ale and though the criminal has been uncovered power still resides within because he[the governor of Illinois] is still technically in be it beyond me to claim knowledge of how TheSystem works, but it seems that the the second that any impropriety is assumed then all bets should be off..the governor-elect should be removed and the 2nd in charge should resume albeit business as usual...and since the Congressional seat was an elected position...shouldn't an election be assembled posthaste to fill that position...for i do believe this is a democracy that this republic is run as...or has the republic become too big for its democracy britches??...should Governors appoint Congressmen/ about ChecksAndBalance...exactly who is checked out on this...hmmm...i recognize the Distinguished Gentleman Thomas Jefferson Johnson from Florida to preside thankyouverymuch....heh heh heh....
2 b continued
2 b continued
Thursday, November 6, 2008

well the BlackBoard has been erased and the slate is clean...HIStory is about 2 b my LifeTime...40 acres and a mule have parked upon 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue...America has come 360..but TheSystem is still TheSystem...and what shape shall the Kryptonite take??...may the FortressOfSolitude always be at hand...well wishes to the new CommanderInChief...HooRah...
2 b continued
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
ThoughtsOnNewWorldOrder order to create something new one must dispose of something has been said that the current Bush and the former Bush are staunch purveyors of the idea of a NewWorldOrder in this country...and now it seems that such a plan may getting its finishing touch...with the final step of EconomicWar now set into place, the existence of anything but an upper-class is all but assured...with the passage of TheBailoutBill by Congress it has by that very act declared war, as only Congress can declare war, upon the classes not within the realm of a time frame of let's say 4years...just enough time that a AfricanAmerican led Party cannot hope to unravel...oh yes TheQuicksand has been laid and do struggle though you might the sinking has begun...AllHail TheIlluminati and its NewWorldOrder...oh yes TheChange is here and it ain't Obama....hmmm
2 b continued
Monday, October 13, 2008

so we've been told that the financial system is on the brink of ruin....
so we've been told that the only way to prevent financial collaspe is for taxpayers to foot the bill by way of a bill nicknamed the BailoutBill...
so the Republic for which we stand has told us there is no other solution...
Who is the FDIC?
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) preserves and promotes public confidence in the U.S. financial system by insuring deposits in banks and thrift institutions for at least $250,000; by identifying, monitoring and addressing risks... and by limiting the effect on the economy and the financial system when a bank or thrift institution fails.The FDIC receives no Congressional appropriations – it is funded by premiums that banks and thrift institutions pay for deposit insurance coverage and from earnings on investments in U.S. Treasury securities. With an insurance fund totaling more than $49 billion, the FDIC insures more than $3 trillion of deposits in U.S. banks and thrifts – deposits in virtually every bank and thrift in the country.
the above FDIC info courtesy of
and if need be Congress can grant additional power to the FDIC.
so exactly why and what is the BailoutBill....
so exactly why and what else haven't we been told....
so exactly who and where is this $7oo billion earmaked for and to....
see also: (Tomaca , thanks for sharing)
2 b continued
Saturday, October 11, 2008

conspiracy theory 101...the smoke screen
is it possible that Al Qaeda actually waged war against the United States by a means that really hits home? did in fact , Al Qaeda hit beneath the radar and not attacked democracy , not attacked the republic upon which we stand but attacked capitalism upon which we strive? was 9/11 actually the smokescreen that covered up a pre-emptive strike that occurred days before? could what's happening today on wall street have begun days prior to the attacks on the World Trade Center? was Wall Street in fact hit with a money virus that shrewdly through means known only to the WallStreetSavvy, could have "incubated" to the point where capitalism is about to crumble...maybe its not the democracy that's being attacked but the very capitalism that does stretch a bit deeper across the globe that's beginning to unravel. what more clever way to kill than to feed until you burst. to inflate then deflate if you will the very fiber that means more materialistically , then anything so conceptually detached as democracy , altruistically speaking. hit ‘em where it the pockets. to hell with virtueism. money talks bullshit walks. make it look like planes slamming against in the movie DieHard, send them all to the roof , blow the building , its the bearer bonds in the vault we want...“you silly Americans yes well this time John Wayne doesn't ride off into the sunset with Grace Kelly.” or maybe DieHard3 where we'll set off explosions , threaten to blow up schools , have all the police on a wild goose chase , meanwhile we're robbing the federal reserve bank of its gold. it is quite possible that this war is an Economic War. bloodless but twice as deadly. more global. more destabilizing. far more cunning. and quite biblical. Al Qaeda is , maybe , mastering the art of hanging paper.
Major al-Qaeda operations have historically occurred between August and December,
- Financial institutions or targets against which a successful attack would have a
perceived financial impact
...from IntelCenter Analytical Reports
the following is taken [and re-edited] from
The silence from the investigating camps could mean several things: Either terrorists are responsible for the puts on the listed stocks or others besides terrorists had foreknowledge of the attack and used this knowledge to reap a nice financial harvest from the tragedy.
Shortly after the attack the SEC circulated a list of stocks to securities firms around the world seeking information. [16 ] A widely circulated article states that the stocks flagged by the SEC included those of the following corporations: American Airlines, United Airlines, Continental Airlines, Northwest Airlines, Southwest Airlines, US Airways airlines, Martin, Boeing, Lockheed Martin Corp., AIG, American Express Corp, American International Group, AMR Corporation, AXA SA, Bank of America Corp, Bank of New York Corp, Bank One Corp, Cigna Group, CNA Financial, Carnival Corp, Chubb Group, John Hancock Financial Services, Hercules Inc., L-3 Communications Holdings, Inc., LTV Corporation, Marsh & McLennan Cos. Inc., MetLife, Progressive Corp., General Motors, Raytheon, W.R. Grace, Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd., Lone Star Technologies, American Express, the Citigroup Inc., Royal & Sun Alliance, Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc., Vornado Reality Trust, Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter & Co., XL Capital Ltd., and Bear Stearns.
Shortly after the attack the SEC circulated a list of stocks to securities firms around the world seeking information. [16 ] A widely circulated article states that the stocks flagged by the SEC included those of the following corporations: American Airlines, United Airlines, Continental Airlines, Northwest Airlines, Southwest Airlines, US Airways airlines, Martin, Boeing, Lockheed Martin Corp., AIG, American Express Corp, American International Group, AMR Corporation, AXA SA, Bank of America Corp, Bank of New York Corp, Bank One Corp, Cigna Group, CNA Financial, Carnival Corp, Chubb Group, John Hancock Financial Services, Hercules Inc., L-3 Communications Holdings, Inc., LTV Corporation, Marsh & McLennan Cos. Inc., MetLife, Progressive Corp., General Motors, Raytheon, W.R. Grace, Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd., Lone Star Technologies, American Express, the Citigroup Inc., Royal & Sun Alliance, Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc., Vornado Reality Trust, Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter & Co., XL Capital Ltd., and Bear Stearns.
A jump in UAL (United Airlines) put options 90 times (not 90 percent) above normal between September 6 and September 10, and 285 times higher than average on the Thursday before the attack. -- CBS News, September 26 A jump in American Airlines put options 60 times (not 60 percent) above normal on the day before the attacks. -- CBS News, September 26 No similar trading occurred on any other airlines -- Bloomberg Business Report, the Institute for Counterterrorism (ICT), Herzliyya, Israel [citing data from the CBOE] 3 Morgan Stanley saw, between September 7 and September 10, an increase of 27 times (not 27 percent) in the purchase of put options on its shares. 4 Merrill-Lynch saw a jump of more than 12 times the normal level of put options in the four trading days before the attacks .
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co. and Merrill Lynch & Co. were both headquartered in lower Manhattan at the time of the attack. Morgan Stanley occupied 22 floors of the North Tower and Merrill Lynch had headquarters near the Twin Towers. Morgan Stanley, which saw an average of 27 put options on its stock bought per day before September 6, saw 2,157 put options bought in the three trading days before the attack. Merrill Lynch, which saw an average of 252 put options on its stock bought per day before September 5, saw 12,215 put options bought in the four trading days before the attack. Morgan Stanley's stock dropped 13% and Merrill Lynch's stock dropped 11.5% when the market reopened. [11 ]
Bank of America showed a fivefold increase in put option trading on the Thursday and Friday before the attack.
The Wall Street Journal reported on October 2 that the ongoing investigation by the SEC into suspicious stock trades had been joined by a Secret Service probe into an unusually high volume of five-year US Treasury note purchases prior to the attacks. The Treasury note transactions included a single $5 billion trade. As the Journal explained: "Five-year Treasury notes are among the best investments in the event of a world crisis, especially one that hits the US. The notes are prized for their safety and their backing by the US government, and usually rally when investors flee riskier investments, such as stocks." The value of these notes, the Journal pointed out, has risen sharply since the events of September 11.
Put and call options are contracts that allow their holders to sell and buy assets, respectively, at specified prices by a certain date. Put options allow their holders to profit from declines in stock values because they allow stocks to be bought at market price and sold for the higher option price. The ratio of the volume of put option contracts to call option contracts is called the put/call ratio. The ratio is usually less than one, with a value of around 0.8 considered normal.
In each case, the anomalous purchases translated into large profits as soon as the stock market opened a week after the attack: put options were used on stocks that would be hurt by the attack, and call options were used on stocks that would benefit.
Either terrorists are responsible for the puts on the listed stocks or others besides terrorists had foreknowledge of the attack and used this knowledge to reap a nice financial harvest from the tragedy.
Lynne Howard, a spokeswoman for the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), stated that information about who made the trades was available immediately. "We would have been aware of any unusual activity right away. It would have been triggered by any unusual volume. There is an automated system called 'blue sheeting,' or the CBOE Market Surveillance System, that everyone in the business knows about. It provides information on the trades - the name and even the Social Security number on an account - and these surveillance systems are set up specifically to look into insider trading. The system would look at the volume, and then a real person would take over and review it, going back in time and looking at other unusual activity."
Howard continued, "The system is so smart that even if there is a news event that triggers a market event it can go back in time, and even the parameters can be changed depending on what is being looked at. It's a very clever system and it is instantaneous. Even with the system, though, we have very experienced and savvy staff in our market-regulations area who are always looking for things that might be unusual. They're trained to put the pieces of the puzzle together. Even if it's offshore, it might take a little longer, but all offshore accounts have to go through U.S. member firms - members of the CBOE - and it is easily and quickly identifiable who made the trades. The member firm who made the trades has to have identifiable information about the client under the 'Know Your Customer' regulations (and we share all information with the Securities and Exchange Commission.)"
Given all of this, at a minimum the CBOE and government regulators who are conducting the secret investigations have known for some time who made the options puts on a total of 38 stocks that might reasonably be anticipated to have a sharp drop in value because of an attack similar to the 9/11 episode.
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co. and Merrill Lynch & Co. were both headquartered in lower Manhattan at the time of the attack. Morgan Stanley occupied 22 floors of the North Tower and Merrill Lynch had headquarters near the Twin Towers. Morgan Stanley, which saw an average of 27 put options on its stock bought per day before September 6, saw 2,157 put options bought in the three trading days before the attack. Merrill Lynch, which saw an average of 252 put options on its stock bought per day before September 5, saw 12,215 put options bought in the four trading days before the attack. Morgan Stanley's stock dropped 13% and Merrill Lynch's stock dropped 11.5% when the market reopened. [11 ]
Bank of America showed a fivefold increase in put option trading on the Thursday and Friday before the attack.
The Wall Street Journal reported on October 2 that the ongoing investigation by the SEC into suspicious stock trades had been joined by a Secret Service probe into an unusually high volume of five-year US Treasury note purchases prior to the attacks. The Treasury note transactions included a single $5 billion trade. As the Journal explained: "Five-year Treasury notes are among the best investments in the event of a world crisis, especially one that hits the US. The notes are prized for their safety and their backing by the US government, and usually rally when investors flee riskier investments, such as stocks." The value of these notes, the Journal pointed out, has risen sharply since the events of September 11.
Put and call options are contracts that allow their holders to sell and buy assets, respectively, at specified prices by a certain date. Put options allow their holders to profit from declines in stock values because they allow stocks to be bought at market price and sold for the higher option price. The ratio of the volume of put option contracts to call option contracts is called the put/call ratio. The ratio is usually less than one, with a value of around 0.8 considered normal.
In each case, the anomalous purchases translated into large profits as soon as the stock market opened a week after the attack: put options were used on stocks that would be hurt by the attack, and call options were used on stocks that would benefit.
Either terrorists are responsible for the puts on the listed stocks or others besides terrorists had foreknowledge of the attack and used this knowledge to reap a nice financial harvest from the tragedy.
Lynne Howard, a spokeswoman for the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), stated that information about who made the trades was available immediately. "We would have been aware of any unusual activity right away. It would have been triggered by any unusual volume. There is an automated system called 'blue sheeting,' or the CBOE Market Surveillance System, that everyone in the business knows about. It provides information on the trades - the name and even the Social Security number on an account - and these surveillance systems are set up specifically to look into insider trading. The system would look at the volume, and then a real person would take over and review it, going back in time and looking at other unusual activity."
Howard continued, "The system is so smart that even if there is a news event that triggers a market event it can go back in time, and even the parameters can be changed depending on what is being looked at. It's a very clever system and it is instantaneous. Even with the system, though, we have very experienced and savvy staff in our market-regulations area who are always looking for things that might be unusual. They're trained to put the pieces of the puzzle together. Even if it's offshore, it might take a little longer, but all offshore accounts have to go through U.S. member firms - members of the CBOE - and it is easily and quickly identifiable who made the trades. The member firm who made the trades has to have identifiable information about the client under the 'Know Your Customer' regulations (and we share all information with the Securities and Exchange Commission.)"
Given all of this, at a minimum the CBOE and government regulators who are conducting the secret investigations have known for some time who made the options puts on a total of 38 stocks that might reasonably be anticipated to have a sharp drop in value because of an attack similar to the 9/11 episode.
Either terrorists are responsible for the puts on the listed stocks or others besides terrorists had foreknowledge of the attack and used this knowledge to reap a nice financial harvest from the tragedy.
the following is taken from NewYorkPost article dated 10 October 2008:
As the Dow plummeted nearly 700 points yesterday to fall well below the 9,000 mark, the Iraqi stock exchange was flourishing.
Last month, Iraq's general index went up nearly 40 percent, about the same percentage the Dow dropped over the past year. The United States has poured more than $600 billion into the war-torn nation, and some experts believe the total cost could be in the $2 trillion range. "The American system is all on credit. Here, take a loan, here, take a loan," investor Adel al-Jawahiri said.
"You can't have a totally free market. You have to have rules. From what I understand of why the credit crisis happened, I can only describe their administration as stupid."
now take into account all that's happened on Wall Street recently and across the globe and ponder is this or isn't this an Economic War! ....hmmm Tom Clancy couldn't have written a better scenario.
Last month, Iraq's general index went up nearly 40 percent, about the same percentage the Dow dropped over the past year. The United States has poured more than $600 billion into the war-torn nation, and some experts believe the total cost could be in the $2 trillion range. "The American system is all on credit. Here, take a loan, here, take a loan," investor Adel al-Jawahiri said.
"You can't have a totally free market. You have to have rules. From what I understand of why the credit crisis happened, I can only describe their administration as stupid."
now take into account all that's happened on Wall Street recently and across the globe and ponder is this or isn't this an Economic War! ....hmmm Tom Clancy couldn't have written a better scenario.
see also:
and now for the end game:
2 b continued
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
ThoughtsOnAccountability pt.5

As the WallStreet fuse continues to burn........
peso plunged to its lowest level in years. Its stock market dropped 5.4 percent.
Brazil and Russia
temporarily halted trading after a series of steep drops on their exchanges.
Sweden , Denmark , Austria , Ireland and Germany
growing list of European countries that have pledged to guarantee bank deposits.
stocks fell 10 percent, and currency tumbles against the dollar.
South Africa
the stock market hit its lowest mark in more than eight years.
banks run out of cash after depositors tried to pull out their money.
the rupee hit a new low against the dollar , Standard & Poor's warned that the country was close to bankruptcy.
stocks fell nearly 5.8 percent, the lowest close in two years.
has pumped $374.3 million into its banking systems.
Saudi Arabia
injected more than $26 million into its stock market.........howevah
Iraq has more than $25 billion in cash reserves...hmmm...and you wonder why the U.S. doesn't have an ExitStrategy??...go figure
Monday, October 6, 2008

okay...let me see if i get this right
1. all the people in an area or country who have the right to vote in an election
1. all the people in an area or country who have the right to vote in an election
2. the body of enfranchised citizens; those qualified to vote
a. The body of voters or the resident.
b. The district so represented
b. The district so represented
1. the executive policy-making body of a country or state
1. the executive policy-making body of a country or state
1. Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representative
2. A political or social unit that has such a government
2. A political or social unit that has such a government
3. The common people, considered as the primary source of political power.
4. Majority rule.
5. The principles of social equality and respect for the individual within a community
4. Majority rule.
5. The principles of social equality and respect for the individual within a community
6. A system of government or organization in which the citizens or members choose leaders or make other important decisions by voting.
7. A form of government in which sovereign power resides in the people and is exercised by them or by officers they elect to represent them
1. a form of government in which the people or their elected representatives possess the supreme power
2. a country in which the head of state is an elected or nominated president
1. a form of government in which the people or their elected representatives possess the supreme power
2. a country in which the head of state is an elected or nominated president
so here we have an Government whose electorate has exercised their defined right and has formed a Government of which the electorate are constituents and that form of Government is referred to as a democracy, by definition and where by definition this democracy is a republic...and this is where the tension/chaos begins to flow...for within this democratic republic for which we stand therein lies two political points of view...the democratic[party] view of sovereign power residing in the people and the republic(an)[party] view that elected representatives possess the supreme power, seemingly irrespective of the people and their what's the point???...well just recently the republican majority of elected officials just passed a bill...more like a legislative order...that the electorate constituents must and will bailout those of interest...aka the republican party irrespective of the wishes/concerns/well-being of the people...aka ThePeople...and so you might be inclined to ask well how was the wishes/concerns/well-being of the people to be taken into account, how exactly was there to be a barometer of the voice of ThePeople???...................
1. A direct vote of the electorate on a question of importance
2. The submission of a proposed public measure or actual statute to a direct popular vote
3. A legislative act is referred for final approval to a popular vote by the electorate[aka ThePeople]
hmmm...seems like the sovereign power of the people might have threaten the soveriegn power of the elected representatives, huh...oh by the way i more underlying definition of this DemocraticRepublic..........
1. A system of economics under which ownership of and investment in the means of production and distribution depends chiefly upon corporations and private individuals
2. A theory or system in which property and investment in business; are owned and controlled by individuals directly or through ownership of shares in companies[ own edification]
3. an economic system based on private ownership of capital[..and so what/where is the WeThePeople with this sh*t]...hmmm
yes, it seems like the sovereign power of ThePeople threatens the sovereign power of the elected representatives to protect the sovereign power of CorporateAmerica...that's the point!!!...
1. a choice made by a participant in a shared decision, esp. in electing a candidate
2. A formal expression of preference for a candidate for office or for a proposed resolution of an issue
3.To express a choice or an opinion
4.To declare or pronounce by general consent
1. a choice made by a participant in a shared decision, esp. in electing a candidate
2. A formal expression of preference for a candidate for office or for a proposed resolution of an issue
3.To express a choice or an opinion
4.To declare or pronounce by general consent
all definitions courtesy of the online dictionary TheFreeDictionary by Fairlex
THIS THOUGHT INSPIRED BY the watching of MichaelMoore's SlackersUprising
(thanks Tomaca for sharing)
move over BananaRepublic we got a new Warehou$e..its call DemoCraticRepublic...our motto is "we launder money right in front of you"....hmmm...or maybe "we launder money so you don't have to"
2 b continued
Saturday, October 4, 2008
ThoughtsOnAccountability pt.4

with all this bailout sh*t...let's get accountable shall we...we the people must be held accountable for everything from the floor to the kitchen sink...when tax time comes we must roll out the reciepts for everything we declare as tax exempt...every little bit of this...every little bit of UncleSam let's get jiggy with it shall we...i propose that you...Mr. Government...for the people by the people...give us a receipt accountable so we can see exactly where these dollars are know accounts receivable...and just what is tax a government that's in debt to other much debt is this country...Government... to us....hmmm....a black hole indeed...time to send a Hubble-type into this green universe and see what planets and monetary solar systems have been spinning off....hmmm...AIG constellation...oohh what have we here Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, BankOfAmerica, Wachovia...looks like a Big Dipper to tryin to be accountable...hmmm...and you tell me that you can't forgive a student can't tend to the the farmer who grows your ain't got time for the EverydayPeople[slystone]...gimme mine...i want a receipt for the deceit that's been put upon TheWe who hold these truths to be self-evident...yo UncleSam whatsupwitdat....hmmm...[40Acres and a Mule] indeed....that's alot of RealEstate yet unaccounted for indeed....hmmm..."for i'm EverydayPeople"...or maybe as LittleOprhanAnnie so succincntly put it[and JayZ so Ebonically embellished it and MikeMyers so Whitely spun it] "it's a HardKnockLife for us instead of kisses we get kicks, instead of treated we get tricks, its a HardKnockLife"...UncleSam you DaddyWarBucks you....
2 b continued

nuff said...cause a picture is worth a 1000 words
Ohh J Simpleton
[and wouldn't u know it...surrounded by 3white men(1 pattin him on da bak)...and a brotha puttin on da cuffs(bein' overseen by anudah white man...mind u)...]
you sho dey wasn't filmin Naked Gun theRemix??..ain't dat LeslieNeilsen on da right and GeorgeKennedy with da ClarkCountyMarshal shirt on?
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

well now...Trees make Oxygen for Man who gives CO2 to Trees...Man makes paper and uses it to make Money[currency]...Money is used to make Man move the Trees out of the AmazonRainForest destabilizing the Oxygen so Man can spend more Money on things that raises the CO2 that Man gives to the Trees so Man can cut down the Trees to build houses that keep sliding down because there's not enough Earth to hold the water[ partly because of the roots of the Trees] that's pouring down because things are melting to a point thru evaporation[aka GlobalWarming/ClimateChange]...what goes up must come down...due to the CO2 that Man is giving to the Trees because of the PaperMoney that Man has a "love" know the root of all...that comes from the Trees that we get our Oxygen from because we give them our CO2....howevah...we keep giving CO2 and exactly how many Trees are left to give back the Oxygen?...and exactly what is the ExchangeRate these days...hmmm...i wonder what the Buyout will be for this debacle...hmmm...and exactly where on this chain of food are we linked to...seems like someone is becoming slightly expendable right about now....[i think i want to watch The Happening again and again and again and...]
to be continued...
Thursday, September 25, 2008

there's a scripture written...and fondly's "money is the root of all evil"...actual writing is "For the love of money is the root of all sorts of evil"[1 timothy 6:10..for your edification] suffice it to say that the current WallStreet situ would be the epitomy of said what better place to put 1 of my poetic scriptures entitiled:
"thoughts from a simplemind pt.2"
Wonder what would happen
One morning the PowersThatBe
Erased the MoneyTree
No more gold
No more currency
No more loose change
Hmm strange
Would we still rise at the crack of dawn
To do
What we do….for a living
Would there still be..."a price for everything"
Would..."the best things in life be free"
Wonder how life would be
One morning the PowersThatBe
Erased the MoneyTree.
One morning the PowersThatBe
Erased the MoneyTree
No more gold
No more currency
No more loose change
Hmm strange
Would we still rise at the crack of dawn
To do
What we do….for a living
Would there still be..."a price for everything"
Would..."the best things in life be free"
Wonder how life would be
One morning the PowersThatBe
Erased the MoneyTree.
Friday, September 19, 2008
ThoughtsOnCuriosity pt.2

well,well,well what have we here...TheHadronCollider has malfunctioned...but the most interesting thing is that it was not reported until AssociatedPress asked questions about 1st mentioned in ThoughtsOnCuriosity,the SlipAndFall factor is starting...mulligans are being asked for...people need to start BringingTheNoise...3 strikes and you're out...well...strike 1 mutherf**kahs
Thursday, September 18, 2008
ThoughtsOnAccountability pt.3

in a Country where there are thousands of citizens that are homeless...where there are hundreds of citizens who are losing their homes to banks...where citizens got a stimulus check for $300...where TheGovernment says It has to cut money from citizens and raise taxes on It's citizens to find money for It's citizens...It spends over $800Billlion on one company because it couldn't handle its money...hmmm...what the f**k is up with that?!?!?
Saturday, September 13, 2008
ThoughtsOnCelebrations pt.2

oh and let us not forget...let us remember...that September11 was not the 1st attack that this government slept at the wheel concerning the WorldTradeCenter..we do remember that a truck was allowed to be parked under the WorldTradeCenter and explode..eerily like in the movie ArlingtonRoad...leaving a crater and not succeeding in bringing down the house...eerily similar to the OklahomaCity bombing...and so what did not succeed from below was allowed to succeed from above? and you mean to tell me there were no LessonsLearned[maybe on how not to f**k it up the next time!?!..hmmm or maybe it was a trial run...hmmm]...eerie indeed...let us not forget...let us remember that September11 is nothing to celebrate a f**kin thing about...for it was indeed a day of Clusterf**k personified...and by the way has anyone really watched ArlingtonRoad ? or how about know...movies about divergences or know TheUsualSuspects....hmmm...SmokeSrceens101 is in session...keep the Visine handy cause the vision will get blurry[by the way slide that bottle[Visine] next to a BlackLight and see what glows]...hmmm
to be continued

well now they've done it...the subliminal FineLine has been drawn in the the sand...the 2 most major issues in this country will now stand toe to toe and put up their dickbeaters...the 'OleBoyNetwork'[OBN] has finally tuned in the right am i talking about???...the AllMaleClub will once again have an opening in November and the PowersThatBe have seen fit to finally let the 2 biggest minority issues have at AfricanAmerican[aka Black]Man will be opposing a [White]Woman for Presidency of these UnitedStatesOfAmerica, oh yes i know that the WhiteWoman is 2nd in charge in this issue...but McCain says he'll only be serving 1 term...hmmm...but we really know the RealDeal here its going to be about the 2 classes of individuals that had to fight for the right to vote in these UnitedStatesOfAmerica and the PowersThatBe knew that the only polarizing effect to the one issue was to bring forth the other issue...and now the SmokeScreen has been set...for now that the AfricanAmerican did not truly tip the balance of Power by accepting a Woman as running mate[and did we not hear the CollectiveSigh of Relief from the OBN] it was only fitting[and last, only resort] that the WomanOption be played...for we also know that Qualification notwithstanding it was the only option because Qualification was definitely a now the PopularVote will come to play and the SmokeScreen will pervail and permeate and what would have been a NoBrainer will become tightly contested not on intellect but emotion[ "ohh MaGoo youu've done it again"] and it will boil down to the Ominous ElectoralCollege to pronounce Victory...yes the OBN will be the Network to watch this fall...and the Drama will only be the tip of the iceberg on this channel...hmmm
to be continued
Thursday, September 11, 2008

let me see if i get this Anniversary commerates something that is in essence positive something to break out the Champagne and get jiggy with it...for instance a WeddingAnniversary[for the most part.. a positive thing]...whereby a Memorial commerates...something to be remembered...that is a bit more somber something that breaks out the hankies to wipe the tears...for instance MemorialDay[ for the most part remembering the veterans that gave their lives for the greater cause] why is it that on September 11 it is considered an Anniversary?...i'm not breaking out any f**king thing to get jiggy about a Government that was asleep at the wheel...about a Government who insists on sending our troops AWAY from home to defend our freedom and couldn't defend our own shores from attack...oh no there's nothing Anniversary about September is indeed a day of remember how the Government forgot how to defend our freedom...again

A person's name can be equated to being their identity...and in a time of identity theft something with a person's name on it that is used to make money and that person is not making money on it should be...could be...identified as IdentityTheft... as long as its their what's the point?...well in a time of AthleticWearCompanies are making a profit on things like sports jerseys college atheletes could be...should be...also making a percentage on the merchandise...yes alot are getting scholarships to play...but this is America...the Democracy that is also Capitalism...and why should free enterprise be free in regards to collegiate atheletes who are making more money for Institutions than their scholarships are affording them...why not throw a percentage their way that could be put into bank accounts for them and the rest could go into their pockets to help them through the financial crunchs that they have to endure...while in the meantime TheColleges, TheTelevisionNetworks and TheSportsCompanies are raking in The Dough...on these collegiates..Identity...hmmm
to be continued
to be continued
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

read a story the other day about a man on death row who was going to sue because he had gained so much weight that DeathByLethalInjection was no longer a viable option...sooo i bet all that weight would probably do the Hangman some know with gravity and all...or maybe all that extra mass would be a good conductor for some Electricity[you know the water content and all]...hmm maybe those lungs could suck up some of that ChamberGas...hell with all the recent evolution of firearms i'm sure there's an ArmorPiercingDumDum round that could penetrate that extra layer he's put on..i mean yo what the f**k is up wit dat?...a stay of execution and a lawsuit because of weight gain????....what's next ElectricChair execution halted because man loss too much weight, now the straps don't fit right....or better yet GasChamber execution stayed and man sues tobacco industry because man smoked too many cigarettes, now his lungs don't work properly and he can't inhale the required amount of LethalDosage...hmm now that's cruel and unusual punishment.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
ThoughtsOnMartianConnection pt4

well well well what have we here... yet another case of Martian this and Martian that...seems like 2 BucknellUniversity geologists have found a connection between geological formations in Alaska appears that these geological formations correlate with GlobalWarming/ClimateChange and avalanches and have similar features to those in photos taken of the Martian landscape..and reportedly similar avalanches have been filmed on Mars by the latest EarthVehicle there and are being attributed, maybe, to the Sun[ since its colder there]...hmmm, geological formations created by avalanches caused by melting snow/ice/water attributed to GlobalWarming/ClimateChange[here]/Sun[there] both on Earth and Mars...hmmm are you sure OrsonWells is dead?
or are TheMartianDesendants trying to finish what they started on Mars here on Earth? be continued

just saw a program on the HistoryChannel about the Banned Books from The Bible...there's an old saying about seeing and the forest and the me that deals justly on the topic of religion in that in the QuestForGod there are alot of AvenuesOfApproach to getting there...TheBible...TheKoran...TheTorah...TheThis...TheThat...and TheWhatever...all trying to explain...all trying to answer...all AvenuesOfApproach in the QuestForGod...and deeper still all having their believers who believe their Avenue is the AvenueOfApproach...and there seems to be little tolerance for merging lanes...its all or nothing a sort of my way or the highway Autobahn with 6 lanes and no speed both directions...and collisions are inevitable...muslims colliding with jews...protestants colliding with catholics...evangelists colliding with fundamentalists...aetheist colliding with everybody...RoadRage everywhere...i look at myself...baptized a RomanCatholic went to catholic school 1st to 3rd grade, 4th to 8th spent with irish christian brothers, 9th to 12th no religious affiliation, at the age of 17 went into USAF became a born-again Christian left there at the age of 21 ran into a childhood friend who studies Islam who introduced me to the MartialArts whereby i came across Taoism while playing in a band with a drummer who chants something that sounds like "me-yo-ho-ren-gay-geck-key-yo" and reads a book called 'The Sound of One Hand Clapping' on the SuperHighwayOfReligion i'm off on the shoulder with my map out scratching my head...yet with all the trees in ThisForest...i am reaching the conclusion that if someone does cut down one of these trees and no one is there to hear it fall that it does make a sound...just that there's no one there to hear it...and that maybe just maybe TheDestination may not be along the AvenuesOfApproach...just straight up...
to be continued
Tuesday, July 1, 2008

there's an old saying..Curiosity Killed The Man's uncanny wisdom lies a chilling notion about curiosity...that child-like fascination about discovery...if the Bible does tell anything it tells of the Tree of Knowledge and the curse of Man and the eating of the fruit from acquiring knowledge there comes the Godlike attribute called Wisdom and unfortunately Man hasn't quite got the hang of TheWisdom thing...yet...and it is troubling that with the Creation of this Super-Collider, TheHadronCollider, Man's curiosity has risen to a chilling climax can only be hoped that the people responsible for this are just that...responsible...because there's only 1 chance to f**k this one up...the Atom has shown that it cannot be toyed with...remember Chernobyl...remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki...why would you want to collapse an Atom and create a BlackHole on your Planet...of all the mistakes Man has made with his technology in trial and error...this one does not get a mulligan...there will be no "oops, lets try that again" DirtyHarry would say "a Man's got to know his limitations"...don't get me wrong Man's curiosity has led to great things...but i just don't know if the "slip and fall" factor is worth the knowledge gained Lao Tzu would say "He who knows others is intelligent, he who knows himself is wise"...suffice it to say we have alot to be curious about ourselves 1st before we step into the OtherRealm
to be continued
to be continued
ThoughtsOnTheHappening pt2
Sunday, June 29, 2008
oh yes...MotherNature
can be quite
the TwistedSister
this is quite
a unique premise...
keep upping that CO2
and you may get more
than just Oxygen
with your morning breakfast
1 day
ThoughtsOnTheUnforseen pt2

so now Man has gone and created the UltimateAtomSmasher...TheHadronCollider...on one of those cable channel shows about the DoomsdayEvents was one event involving a AtomSmasher gone awry...well here we go...hasn't ManTheMammal learned yet from GodImitating that he ain't got it yet...went ahead with AtomicEnergy and has AtomicWaste that cannot be dealt with...oh but did build TheAtomicBomb...gee that had some good need to it...shutdown WorldWarTwo and now we want to shutdown everyone who wants one cause we're afraid it might shutdown the whole ManTheMammal wants the UltimateAtomSmasher to create on the Joker said in the 1st BatmanMovie, "where does he get those wonderful toys?" f**kin about stopping world about building AfricanWaterPipelines[built those AlaskanOilPipelines though didn'tcha]...what the f**k is up wit dat? ...maybe its that MartianConnection thing again [cause ain't nothin normal about this sh*t here]...yeah, "Earth, the NextRedPlanet"....
to be continued...
to be continued...
Saturday, June 28, 2008

notice how a disturbance at the frontdoor allows people to sneak in from the to speak...let's flip that principal around just a bit...there's been a disturbance with the Earth's temperature while things have evolved under current earth temperatures....what will evolve under the new takes just a change of degrees either way to make an organism thrive or die...and that's just in areas where we can what's happening in area's we can't/do not places we may not know even exist...such as "10,000 Leagues under the Sea" or wherever we haven't had the time to "stop and smell the roses"....what organism is evolving due to GlobalWarming that we may not know about because the Climate is changing and we do know that Evolution is the ultimate "Adapt and Overcome" what might have been frozen for ages is now thawing and flowing out towards civilization to evolve among us...oozing up from the earth's core towards civilization to evolve among us...yes, this disturbance at the frontdoor is about to let in something from the while we're probing Mars for that somethin somethin let's not forget about "TheSpookWhoSatByTheDoor" to speak....
to be continued......
to be continued......
Friday, June 27, 2008
ThoughtsOnLevelsOfResponsibility pt2

sometimes being given the KeysToTheMansion can be more of a test than a privilege...and Man is seriously failing in its endeavor in being KingOfHisCastle...having recently read a article about the NorthPole possibly for the 1st time in HumanExistence of not having an IceCap this summer reads volumes into the phrase of Having Book Smarts and No Common may be Destiny and not Fate that Man may go the way of the Dinosaur and become extinct by way of a Genocide that is actually a Suicide called up on TheStageOfLife...TheMeek[shall inherit the earth]
Friday, June 13, 2008
ThoughtsOnR.KellyTrial pt2
not sold on verdict..seen whole video when it first came out which included infamous piss scene still convinced it was him...but hey...jurors also acquitted SeanBell's murderers...helluva year for the "blindfolded scale carrier"....anyone down to rob TheFederalReserve?...seems crime does pay!...then again with my luck...
ThoughtsOnPerspective pt2

an old story...there was a old man walking with a young boy in the woods when they came across a fox chasing a rabbit...upon seeing the rabbit get away the boy was sad about the fox's failed attempt whereby the old man replied, " the fox was running for its dinner, the rabbit was running for its life."
for decades...for centuries...hell, for a millenium...the Government of the UnitedStatesOfAmerica has sent Million$ to countries overseas..been loyal to those in need...has sent Billion$ to corporations in tax credit/relief..been loyal to those in need...has sent Trillion$ to the DepartmentOfDefense..been loyal to those in 2008 sent a $300 "$timulous payment" check to WeThePeople..been loyal to those in need?...yes, there is an old story from Aesop's Fables whose moral is "never bite the hand that feeds you "...hand? HAND?....yo Mutherf***ah, turn around and bend over!!
In a Country where there's talk by TheGovernment of Taliban and terrorism...of Iraq and government overthrow and NuclearAgenda...of Iran and NuclearAgenda...of NorthKorea and NuclearAgenda...of ImpliedThreats to Oil...there's been ActionJackson, JimDandy to the rescue[go JimDandy go]...there's been hundreds of Sons and Daughters and Brothers and Sisters and Husbands and Wives and Mothers and Fathers sent into HarmsWay to "protect the freedom of America, The United States of"...of Mottos such as "anytime, anyplace", "swift, silent and deadly", "De Oppreso Liber"....In a Country where there's talk by TheGovernment of Genocide in Darfur...there's been
Monday, June 2, 2008
went to a blog and it was about guitar now let's get down n about [there's this show that i love called Duel] then..."let's Duel"....rememeber back when television was TV and we would run home at 12 noon to watch the kung fu flicks [here in NYC anyway] or watch those 1 on 1 NBA halftime showdowns ...yeah way back in the day...let's have a guitar showdown a 1 on 1 if you will and i put forth the first 2 we go...ladies and this corner the classic Funkadelic's EddieHazel "MaggotBrain" vs PinkFloyd's DavidGilmore playing "ComfortablyNumb" live Pulse version....and FrankZappa "BlackNapkins" "ZootAllures" LP vs RobinTrower "Too Rolling Stoned" from the "Bridge of Sighs"LP..."let's get ready to rruummmbbbllee"........Santana, Hendrix,Clapton,Berry,King,DiMeola,VanHalen..please stand by...oh yeah....Cobham,Pert,Rich,Seraphine,Starr..Starr? keep the noise down...yo, Clarke,Pastorius,Lee,Burton,Wooten, McCartney...McCartney?...down the hall......
it amuses me when i hear people get upset at professional athletes when they demonstrate that certain energy at times during games..."can't stand all that dancin in the endzone when they score a touchdown"..."hate all that fist pumpin when they strikeout a batter"..."all that chest beatin when they sack that quarterback"...all that head bobbin and finger pointin and toe tappin and hip shakin and......yo mutherf***kah.....ya paid 2 b ntertained..what part of da memo U missd?...goes back to the gladiators in the coliseum...spectators..spectating...performers..performing...e-n-t-e-r-t-a-i-n-e-r-s..e-n-t-e-r-t-a-i-n-i-n-g...can U people spell IQ?..its all entertainment..headbobbinfingerpointintoetappinchestpoundinfistpumpinendzonedancinhipshakinENTERTAINMENT let's get a grip and "act like you been there before" be entertained and sit down and shut the f**k up...and enjoy the moment
ThoughtsOnMartianConnection pt3

so a "footprint" has been left on Mars, huh....hmm wonder if there's a radio broadcast evoking mass hysteria there..."the Earthlings have landed"...OrsonWells would be proud, afterall, always Martian this and Martian that...hmmm i wonder if they're all watching "My Favorite...Earthling", afterall, just cause you can't see'em doesn't mean they ain't there..just means you can't see'em, afterall, let's not forget there's things Man can't f**king see on his own PlanetEarth without that InfraRed-doohikey-NightVision-thingamabob...what the f**k, needs a light bulb to piss straight in the dark soooo...hell, we need ElectronMicroscopes to see sh*t that would probably give mass heartattacks to us if we could see'em....soooo let's see what MartianChronicles we're unEarthing exactly shall we...or maybe they're watching know before NakedGun, you know before the WhiteBronco, after USC, "CapricornOne"...always MartianThis, MartianThat...hmmm
to be continued
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
ThoughtsOnMartianConnection pt2

time to once again empty thy cup...on a planet, Earth, whose humankind are predominantly of color the anomaly seems to reside with the Caucasian humankind...the only not of color...the only with a history of behavior that, how to put this, goes against the norm...the only whose behavior seems to be, how to put this, unEarthly...created NuclearEnergy with its NuclearWaste...cutting up the RainForest with its climatic and ecological impact...weird how Russians pioneered spaceflight...hmm...Russians...hmm...Caucasus Mountains[part of southern Russia, by the way]...hmm...Caucasians...Orson Wells creator of "War of the Worlds" has lineage seems an interesting observation that Caucasians are the frontrunners with the MartianCuriosity...always Martian this, Martian while it may not be as simple as Black and White...there appears to be something unEarthly...against the norm...about TheMartianConnection...nonsense?...maybe...coincedence?...see ThoughtsOnParallelOccurance ...oh, by the way, ever happen to notice the primary color of the RussianFlag [the same color shared by all involved in TheSpaceRace]...but...
to be continued....
ThoughtsOnEquality pt2
wellwell, the tip of the iceberg seems to be deepening...let's see how this is handled...
Sunday, May 18, 2008
ThoughtsOnAccountability pt2

i dunno is it just me or is there just an overload with the pharmaceuticals advertising about cures for the common whatever that have EXTRAordinary SideEffects...i mean do i take this little pill for running nose and have to deal with my throat enlarging...take this other pill for sleep but have to worry about suicidal thoughts...whatever happened to that Sominex commercial about safe and restful sleep...seems like when 'they' took the codeine out of Vicks cough drops...medicine just hasn't been the same...hell when 'they' took the 'Coca' outta CocaCola..things ain't never been the same...tho that touch of caffeine does make it a soft drink...Pep? opposed to alcohol making it a hard drink...but i digress for a minute...cause i'm a little concerned about that other pill i might take but might keep me erect for 4 mo' hrs above and beyond the call of duty...if you ask me...but what the f**k...and what about that pill that if my pregnant wife touches will cause ...yo, what the f**k is up with FDA???...or maybe... its just the advertisers?...yo,FCC what tha....
to be continued
to be continued
when MichaelVick was charged with the federal charges connected with dog fighting his ethnicity was dragged across the coals, in fact the ethnicity of those not connected with his crime was dragged across the coals...his background was scrutinized and dragged across the coals, in fact the background of people of the same ethnicity not connected with his crime was raked across the coals...throughout the pro football season it was StricklyVickly, organizations and voices were raised in vile protest because of the federal charges brought against the AfricanAmerican, aka Black, male MichaelVick...running almost concurrently with the MichaelVick federal case sports story was the federal case sports story of CaucasionIrishAmerican, aka White, male TimDoneghy who was charged with betting on and possibly altering what now, admitted by him, is close to 100 professional basketball games...was his ethnicity raked across the coals?, in fact was the ethnicity of those not connected with his crime dragged across the coals?...did not the Commissioner of his sport go on television and say that theWhiteMale TimDoneghy's actions was possibly the "darkest moment" in NBA history?...was his [TimDoneghy] background raked across the coals...was the background of those not connected with this case dragged across the coals?...where were the organizations and voices raised in vile protest throughout this basketball season?...where were the picket signs and constant media mentioning of theWhiteMale TimDoneghy in proportion to theBlackMale MichaelVick...oh, i get was the cruelty to dogs that warranted, that justified the imbalance shown theBlackMale MichaelVick over theWhiteMale TimDoneghy...both mind you were found guilty of federal mind you had a direct impact within his mind you was a referee charged with upholding the integrity of his position and mind you commited his crime while on the job and in mind you is a mind you is a WhiteMale...oh, i get was the cruelty to animals let's see then if MichaelVick had been charged and found guilty of betting on and possibly altered the outcome of close to 100 NFL games and TimDoneghy had been charged and found guilty of being involved with dogfighting then an imbalance would be warranted, be mind you is a mind you is a WhiteMale...oh, i get it.....
to be continued
to be continued
Friday, May 16, 2008

one thing that always sparked that curiosity thing in me has been the "GodExplanation" vs. the "EvolutionExplanation" about TheBeginning...both are Man's attempts to make shallow TheDeep...after all it must be a Man thing...don't think Bambi or Lassie or Jaws or Flora or the rest of Fauna really give a f**k about something beyond their comprehension--just wondering what the f**k is up with us and our lack of respect for the Earth we share with them...but that's a ThoughtForAnotherDay...and there's 1 thing above all else that i find curious with the 'GodExplanation' and that's the 1st 14 words or thereabouts of Genesis1:26...something about God and that Us/Our thing...God: proper noun singular(presumably) Us/Our: pronoun plural(definetly), hmmm...seems like an implying that God has a more-than-ONEness...more-than-ONEimage-ness...and here's my curiosity spark...let's say its more like, oh lets choose a number, more-like-a-12ness...12 distinct 'images' of God...hmmm what could be an explanation of 12 distinct images of God and Man...ever heard of...Astrology?...hmmm
to be continued
to be continued

it amazes me the number of people who raise an eyebrow at the fact that Man is an Animal...part of the AnimalKingdom...the equating of Man with the word Animal seems to raise the hair on the back of some necks...what part of biology 101 was i sleeping on...somehow Man the Mammal has become holy-er than thou...radioactive waste-creating, Earth-polluting, over-populating, haven't got a f**kin-clue-having, egotistical Man the Mammal probably should have Its card revoked from the AnimalKingdom...Man the Mammal cousin to Monkey the Mammal though if you think about it the only other species that walks on 2 legs and has knowledge of flight are Birds but let's not go there...that's a ThoughtForAnotherDay...Lord of the FoodChain...more like Lord of the FoolChain...if you ask me...seems like Man the Mammal is running around unchecked, being held unaccountable for things huh, well while Man the Mammal seems to be having Its way, MotherNature is keeping things in check...seen the recent trends of 'NaturalDisasters' lately...things insurance companies love to call 'ActsOfGod' know...earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis...oh yeah...MotherNature has a way to spank that ass when Man the Mammal gets out of line...just a matter though of how long FatherTime is willing to let sh*t continue...maybe 12/12/2012 perhaps...hmmm
to be continued
to be continued
Thursday, May 15, 2008
ever wonder why kids have a hard time reading AmericanEnglish?...after explaining the nuances
of english to my ten year old i was left with a 'what the f**k' attitude/realization...why is read also read as in red which is not spelled r-e-a-d...and while there's a city in Texas called Houston why is there a street in NewYorkCity spelled Houston but pronounced 'house-ton' the f**k is business pronounced bisness...and while the Wright Bros. didn't write they did get the plane right...oh yeah about plane and plain...ever sit by a window pain?...and exactly who's responsible for whose...something to be said, Ed, about the sinfulness of synonyms...or maybe there is something to Genesis11:7...Ebonics anyone?
of english to my ten year old i was left with a 'what the f**k' attitude/realization...why is read also read as in red which is not spelled r-e-a-d...and while there's a city in Texas called Houston why is there a street in NewYorkCity spelled Houston but pronounced 'house-ton' the f**k is business pronounced bisness...and while the Wright Bros. didn't write they did get the plane right...oh yeah about plane and plain...ever sit by a window pain?...and exactly who's responsible for whose...something to be said, Ed, about the sinfulness of synonyms...or maybe there is something to Genesis11:7...Ebonics anyone?
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

take away the music and today's rappers are in actuality while not a novel observation, keep in mind that music tends to bring with it an emotional content that tends to sway the listener one way or the other add to that the emotional content of the poetry that 'rappers' express with and a volatile concoction is brewed...without the music, rappers would probably be held as the most prophetic writers of poetic literature of today's society..."kick the ballistics G"...think 'TheLastPoets' of the NewAge
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
we might have it all wrong...instead of targeting gun manufactures, target the bullet manufactures...after all guns don't kill...bullets do...don't know the actual count but believe there's lesser deaths from pistolwhippings than shootings...keep the guns just outlaw the bullets, yeah that's the ticket...its like don't outlaw cigarettes just the makers of flame producing apparatus...hell can't smoke em if you can't light em up, huh...hmmm
to be continued...
to be continued...
coincedence: the explanation to explain the unexplainable..and there's nothing mere about it...
to be continued....
to be continued....
here you got people who have premeditated murder and mayhem for whatever reason and when they get caught we're supposed to go by a CodeOfConduct in dealin with them?...are you sh*ttin me?...yo, you live by the sword, you die by the want CodeOfConduct? try CodeOfHammurabi, mutherf***kah...
here's a man who shot a video with some people he thought was down with him and 1 of them seized the opportunity to make a quick buck..and now R.Kelly wants to say that that wasn't him pissin on homegirl?...yo, i've seen the video--yo i got the video...are you f***kn kiddin me B that is you...don't try to f***kin insult my intelligence... verdict: guilty as charged mutherf***... sentence: fess up, pull up a chair, grab a napkin and have a cup of what you've been pissin and press on BruceLee might have said in 'EnterTheDragon', "Mr.R.Kelly, Have some pee ? "
Sunday, May 4, 2008

Ever listen to the birds chirp early in the morning?...Ever listen to the dog barking next door...Ever listen to the cat meowing near you...Ever listen to the snake hissing in the woods... Ever listen to the wolf howling at night...not understand a f**kin word huh? Ever wonder how a parrot can say "polly wants a cracker"...Ever wonder how a dog could understand "roll over"(good boy) "sit"...Ever wonder who's the dumb animal?...old saying "..and the meek shall inherit the earth"...PlanetOfTheApes, indeed....

While the CigaretteIndustry is recognized for 'SecondHandSmoke'...let it be realized and understood that if you can smell it then it has already entered the body...let's expand this...while we're busy gettin busy... smoke is being smelled...puffin that weed....smoke is being smelled...smokin that crack...smoke is being smelled...gettin wet with that dust...smoke is being remember that if you can smell it...ding...the brain has gotten the buzz...however...and this is the thing...if that brain happens to be connected to your young one who's nearby...and nearby...isn't as far as you think it is or is it...they're getting just as weeded/cracked out/dusted as you are and while 'SecondHandSmoke' as been relegated to the CigaretteIndustry...'ContactHigh' is just as.....
Friday, May 2, 2008

yo ever wonder why UncleSam is no good at PeaceKeepingOperations...cause he went over to 1421 NorthKorea Street and had his ass handed to him there...he went 2435 NorthVietnam Boulevard and had his lip busted over there...hell, had so much trouble with 4276 Japanese Avenue after they ran up in his house at 1620 PearlHarbor Drive he had to drop a nuke on them..seems to have a little trouble in them Asian he's over in 432 Iraqi Road...yo UncleSam stay in your own neighborhood cause you got more than enough to handle at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue...old saying..."charity begins at home and then spreads abroad"...and last time i looked seems like someone creeped into 1 WorldTradeCenter...and got away with murder
when uncle ben goes to the grocery store to buy his rice he gets a receipt...when aunt jemima goes to the market to get her pancake mix she gets a receipt...whenever barbie goes to get waxed and bikini-lined she gets a receipt...whenever whoever goes to the CheckOut and gets whatever, HeShe gets a receipt....why? you can see where your money's being spent...well check this about this...every April 15th let us get a receipt from we can see where our money is being spent....i don't think so...yo Andy Rooney why is that?
to be continued...
to be continued...
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