
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

ThoughtsOnCuriosity Pt3.

ok so here we go again:

...umm there are things IN TheUniverse that belong IN TheUniverse and not HERE ON BlackHoles and DarkMatter...we have a issue with what some believe is TheBermudaTriangle so what now are we supposed to do when something OUT there lo and behold winds up IN here...DarkMatter and BlackHoles are of GalacticProportions not to be parked in a laboratory and gazed at...this is not something placed under an ElectronMicroscope to be amazed at, this is something some say God created to be where the fu*k God wanted it, not sitting in Geneva, Swizterland home of people who don't fight CalamicWars but who at the flick of a switch might...might just create the most CatalysmicSh*t known yet..and wouldn't that be ironic to have the last days and time end up starting in the HomeofTheHole-lyCheese...well they do make a fine SwissARMY...Knife...there's an old saying about "HowCuriosityKilledTheCat", well "Holy WTF, Batman" hope you've got something in that UtilityBelt if this sh*t backfires...hmmm wonder how many cavemen got torched when they "discovered" fire...well i guess its like the old TV ad used to say,"A Mind is a terrible thing to waste"...hmmm

2 b continued

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